"You expect us to be able to kill someone with that kind of power?" Kerina asked.

"That's where your stealth will come into it," Dex said with a curt nod and no hint of his usual humour. "Do whatever you have to do."

He frowned over my shoulder and shook his head a fraction.

I glanced back, but saw nothing there. "Dex? Are you all right?"

Dex blinked at me. "Hmmm? Oh, yes of course. I just thought…" He waved a hand and grinned. "Trick of the light."

Kerina cocked her head and looked bemused, but said nothing.

"We'll leave within the hour," I said. "It will be faster to sail south to Cape Massin and travel overland to Onyx. From there, we'll head into the mountains."

Dex nodded. "Good. I'll tell everyone you were sent to the Alpha as an envoy. No one will question that."

"Are you suggesting people might question you?" Kerina asked, a lopsided smile on her face.

"It's hard to believe, isn't it?" Dex replied, a smile on his own lips. "The Keeper of the Vault himself, under scrutiny." He clicked his tongue.

I held back a smile. "I doesn't bear thinking about."

"It really doesn't, perhaps I should hang a few people now and again."

"That might be somewhat extreme." A flicker of movement outside the window caught my eye. When I turned my head, the sill and sky beyond it were empty. A passing bird, more than likely. Perhaps a blossom blown on the wind. I should stop jumping at shadows.

"It might," Dex agreed. If he noticed my distraction, he gave no sign. "I'll have to live with people's questions."

"I'm sure Calista will keep you in line," I said with the hint of a smile.

Dex sighed dramatically. "She's going to love that. She can tell me what to do and I'll have no one to stand up to her for me." He seemed on the verge of laughter.

"I'm quite sure you can take care of yourself," I said dryly. "If it'll make you feel better, I'll leave Trevor in charge."

Dex grimaced. "He has even less sense of humour than you do."

"Yeah, but that's a sacrifice you'll have to make for the sake of the Vault." The side of my mouth tugged up slightly.

"Wait a moment," Kerina said, as if she had something urgent to say. When we both turned to her, she said, "Someone here has less sense of humour than Bain?" She grinned and her eyes shone with the point she scored at my expense.

I was undeterred. "It's difficult to believe, but it's true." I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't need to use my power," Kerina said drolly. "Trevor is duller than a sandworm, but good at his job. We can rest assured the Vault will be safe while we're away."

"Speaking of leaving," I said. "If we stand here chatting, the hour will end and we'll still be here, talking, or making jokes." I offered Dex a salute, hand to my chest.

Dex nodded in response. "Go with Hades and return with haste. Oh, and this." He opened a drawer in his desk, reached in and pulled out a bag.

He tossed it to me.

I caught it and noted the clink and the weight. There must be enough coins inside to buy a nice estate on the green plains north of the city.

"That will supply you with whatever you need. Horses, mercenaries, bribes, an Intimate or two."

I shook my head and tucked the bag into my pocket. "Thank you. We'll send word when we can." I gestured for Kerina to precede me out the door.

Calista bustled in as we exited, but she hardly gave us more than a glance before she closed the door behind her. That was unlike her, but I took no time to wonder or ask questions. Doubtless she had her reasons for everything she did.

"I hope you realise I get seasick," Kerina remarked.