We started down the corridor toward the guard's quarters.

I nodded. "That's exactly why I decided on a sea voyage."

She glanced at me for a moment, then socked me on the arm. "I see and hear your lie, asshole."

I rubbed my arm where she likely left a bruise. "We need to travel as quickly as possible. If we didn't, I'd ride over the desert, rather than take a ship. In this case, speed is more important than comfort. Even yours." I made a mental note to suggest Dex invest in a helicopter or two. Surely one would fit on the train?

She frowned at me. "Don't try to flatter me. I'm still angry with you. More so now I knew I was angry at you for no reason. You knew they would take her and you planned for it."

"Yes," I agreed simply.

"You should have told me."

I hesitated. "Yeah, maybe, but it's done now. We should focus on the job."

"Do you really mean to kill Viva if she's a danger to the Vault?" Kerina eyed me carefully.

I hesitated before letting out a long sigh. "Only if it's absolutely necessary. It's something you need to be ready for too. I don't like the idea, but we will do whatever we have to. If you can't, I will have to find someone to take your place." I fixed her with a firm look. I half wished someone could take mine.

She set her chin with equal firmness before she too sighed and sagged. "I will do what I have to, but only as a last resort."

I nodded. "Agreed." Cold blooded killing was not my thing, nor did I want it to be.

I headed toward the stairs leading down into the lower levels of the residence.

A child stood near the balustrade and waved, then disappeared.

I almost missed my step. I blinked and shook my head to clear it. "What in the name of Hades?"

"Bain?" Kerina stopped with her hand on the railing, centimetres from where the child had stood.

I squinted. "You didn't…" I straightened and shook my head. "A trick of the light." Or I was losing my mind.


There was a third option, but I didn't want to consider it. Not yet. I sought around with my senses and found only Kerina and a servant or two who walked past without a glance.

"I didn't see anything," Kerina said. "It's dark in this part of the residence."

I glanced in her direction and pursed my lips. She was right, it was dark, but I was sure a child stood there, a girl, with dark hair wound in a long plait, and a dress in bright colours. One moment she stood in front of me, the next she was simply gone. I would have seen her walk or run away, maybe heard her giggle as she played whatever the latest game the residence children played.

I would have sensed her there.

Instead, I sensed nothing.

A chill passed through me, but I steeled myself and started down the stairs. I had to put the incident out of my mind. Even if I saw a real child, surely she was harmless?

Part of me wanted to explain to Kerina what I saw, but I didn't. She might think I was crazy and insist Dex make me stay behind. I couldn't, wouldn't do that, unless he ordered it. I needed to find Viva and her abductors. Before her smart tongue got her killed. The idea of her lying dead made my heart twist in my chest. I was almost certain Dex felt the same way. If he could come with us, he would. His place was here. I would find her and bring her home. I swore that in the name of every god I knew, and all the ones I didn't. If she was alive, I would get her back.

"You seem bothered by something," Kerina said. "Don't say it's nothing, I'll know if you lie."

"It's nothing we need to worry about," I replied. That was the truth. Odd occurrences happened once in a while, it meant nothing. "I'll arrange our belongings. Send word to the harbourmaster that we need a ship to Cape Massin. I want to be gone before night falls."

"Scared of the dark?" she teased.

I snorted. "No, but if we wait until morning, we'll be wasting time. We have none to spare, not if Knox is to be believed."

"You think he is?"