The sunset was stunning,but night fell rapidly. Without flashing computers or corridor lights, the darkness was unsettling.

"There's no way I'm going to imagine a monster creeping up on us," I said sarcastically.

"The moon should rise soon, according to Brinley," Danec said. "Oh. Do you see that?"

I jumped. "Where?" I glanced around and listened, but heard no enormous footsteps, no ominous sound of a giant alien slug sliding toward us, no buzz of people-eating bees. What? I've seen a lot of science fiction movies, okay?

"Over there." If he pointed, I couldn't see it. I could barely make him out as it was.

"Please say it's an underground bunker full of cheese," I pleaded. I ate a bite of my ration bar, but it wasn't close to enough. "Above ground would be good, too."

"Um, no, I don't think so. Look over there, on the lake."

Before dark, we had stumbled across the small body of water, nestled half in and half out of the trees. When I say stumbled, I mean one of our party had stepped out of a clump of bushes, right onto the bank. Only the quick-thinking companion who grabbed her arm kept her from falling in.

J'avet crouched beside the water and tested it with his watch before he declared it safe to drink. He wasn't the first to try it, but neither was I. That dubious honour went to Danec, who J'avet waved forward as he stepped aside.

I might have told him to fuck off, but Danec knelt, drank, and lived to tell about it.

I squinted at the water. "The plants floating on the surface are phosphorescent." In daylight, they looked like some kind of waterlily. In the gloom, they glowed a soft green. "It's so pretty."

The slowly rising moon cast a silvery glow, which illuminated his face. He looked right at me. "Beautiful," he said softly. Surely he was only talking about the plants.

In spite of myself, my mouth went dry and I had to swallow. "Should we go and take a closer look?"

"Hmmm? Uh, yes." I couldn't see him blush, but for some reason I was sure he was. "I'd like that."

I followed him around the edge, keeping a safe distance from the water, and watching for fallen logs and mutant slugs.

I stepped around a patch of grass and slid on muddy ground. I windmilled my arms, but Danec grabbed my hand before I fell and kept me upright.

"Thank you." My heart pounded so hard it left me breathless.

"You're welcome." His voice was rough. He didn't let my hand go again. Instead, we walked like that, close together and hand in hand, to the other side of the lake.

Here, the leaves glowed brighter, but still soft on the eyes. In the centre of each plant, the lilies glowed as well, each a different shade of pink, purples, blue, and yellow. Even white here and there.

The glow increased as the flowers, closed at first, gradually opened their petals out to embrace the night air and the ever brightening moon.

"Oh my goodness." I inhaled the scent of the blooms which grew stronger the wider they spread their petals. The smell was warm and heady, intoxicating. "We should go for a swim."

I took half a step before Danec pulled me back to him.

I didn't realise he was going to kiss me until his mouth was on mine. His lips were soft, but hungry, as though he wanted to devour me in one mouthful. His tongue went searching and I opened my mouth to him. He licked my lips and his tongue felt rough, unlike any other I had tasted. No, not rough, textured.

In the next moment, it was gone and him with it. He stepped away and rubbed a hand over his face.

"I'm sorry. I'm s-so-sorry," he stammered. "I shouldn't have done that. I-I—"

I closed the gap between us and put a hand on his muscular forearm. He felt like rock under my fingers.

"It's all right," I said. "I liked it." I more than liked it; I wanted more. What I couldn't understand was what he wanted. He had my head spinning this way and that and I didn't want to do that anymore. Whatever he had to say, I needed to know.

"Are you sorry because you just want to be friends?" My tone was more blunt than I intended, but the words were out there. Regardless of the outcome, I had made the first step.

He gazed toward the lake. "No," he said finally. "It's because I thought you wanted that. I mean, you called me friend. I'm all right with that, I just…"