"I only called you that because that's what I thought you wanted," I said. Right now, my body throbbed like crazy and my mind buzzed. Was he saying he also wanted more?

"From the first moment I saw you, I hungered for you," he said, his voice low and rough. "I was prepared to respect whatever you wished, even if it was friendship, just so I could be near you. Every time you let me hold your hand, I was happy just to do that. That sounds so pathetic." He exhaled loudly

"No," I told him, "that sounds sweet. You've helped me get through the last day or two. Hell, only a few minutes ago, you stopped me from falling into the water." I didn't want to think of the glare I would get from J'avet if I returned to camp, my clothes soaking wet.

"I would do anything for you." He took my hand again and drew me to his hard, warm body.

"You were even the first to drink the water," I pointed out.

His body shook with laughter. "Even that. If I died, well…" He paused and inhaled through his nose in a way that suggested he was about to broach a difficult topic. "Slek—"

Ah. That certainly was difficult. "I like him too," I admitted, even as I pressed my head against Danec's chest. "I know that's not—"





"It's a-all right," Danec said. "I'll be here when you figure out what, or who, you need. As long as it takes. But I hope you choose me." His arms closed around me and squeezed, gentle but firm.

"I make no guarantees." The scent of him was more heady than the flowers. I leaned back and looked up at him.

His blue face was a riot of different shades in the light from the flowers. Slowly, he lowered his mouth to mine and kissed me gently. This was nothing like the first kiss, but the fire it sent through me was hotter than ever. I wanted to throw him down into the darkness, tear off his clothes, and feel him sink deep into me.

We broke apart and I nestled my face into his chest again.

"I feel safe with you," I said. More than physically safe. He was sweet and kind and I knew if he broke my heart, it wouldn't be intentional. He probably didn't have a mean bone in his body.

Unlike— No, I wouldn't think about J'avet just now. He didn't deserve to spend a moment inside my head. Not even a nano-moment. Was a nano-moment even a thing? Whatever, he could stay out.

"Good, I want you to feel safe. We'll get off this planet and make it to Agus, no matter what."

"And if we don't, we'll have to colonise and populate Calig," I said more lightly than I felt.

He chuckled. "Yes." A couple of heartbeats later, his body stiffened. "Edie, I don't think we're alone"

"There's about forty-eight other people beside the lake," I said.

"Not them," Danec said. "Behind you."

I turned slowly. There, in the bushes, were several sets of shining eyes. Every so often, they blinked both lower and upper lids at the same time.

"Hello?" I said tentatively. "We mean you no harm." With any luck, they meant us none too.

The response was a rustle of leaves and one individual rose. The multiple pack of abs and broad arms suggested he was male. His skin shone silver in the glow from the flowers, although interspersed with other other colours.

Another form rose beside him, this one with bare breasts and hair which fell past her waist.

"Harm," the woman said as if feeling out the word.

"No harm," I said quickly. "Peace. Um." I looked to Danec for help, but she seemed to understand.

"Peace," she echoed.

"So much for uninhabited," I muttered. To the pair I asked, "So you live here?"