He winced at her, then at me while I undid the clasps which held the knitters shut. Carefully, because the newly healed bone was still tender, I worked the knitter apart as wide as the hinges would allow.

"Can you lift your arm?" I asked.

Gingerly, Slek raised his arm so I could slide the knitter out from underneath it.

"It feels so light now," he said.

"Of course it does," I replied. "And look how puny your arm is." It was anything but. He was all muscle from his shoulder to the tips of his long, thick fingers.

He grinned and laughed. "You're a hard woman, Nurse Wright." He winced as Kalvix eased the gauze from his head wound. "Not as hard as you though, Doctor."

"Keep still," Kalvix said.

I didn't blame him for wincing. His head was a mess of fading bruises and a healing gash that must have hurt like a bitch.

I slipped out between the curtains to grab an X-ray wand and came back as Kalvix was applying some kind of blue substance to Slek's wound.

I passed the X-ray wand over Slek's arm and watched the small screen.

"I'm seeing a newly healed bone," I said. "It looks straight."

Kalvix nodded. As the doctor, she would double check, but I was confident she'd agree.

"Remove the other knitter, please," she instructed.

I stepped around to the other side of the bed and did as she asked.

"Another puny arm," I teased. What did he do for exercise, lift shuttles? I didn't ask him that, though. He seemed to have a healthy enough ego as it was. Besides, I knew my expression spoke volumes.

"This bone looks good too," I said.

"All my bones are impressive," Slek said with a sly smile. "Especially my cock."

"A penis is not a bone," I said dryly.

"Not right now it's not," he agreed, "but with a little encouragement— Ouch!"

"Sorry." Kalvix didn't sound sorry. "We can heal bones, but bruises need time. Perhaps don't land on your head."

"Thanks, I'll remember that next time I fall," Slek said sarcastically.

"Make sure you do." Kalvix took the X-ray wand when I offered it to her and waved it over his arms. "You're fit to leave, but I need to see you every morning to have that head wound assessed."

"Yes ma'am." He gave her a cheeky salute and swung his legs off the bed. The blankets fell aside, revealing his still naked body, ridiculous muscles and all.

"Nurse, bring him some clothes, please," Kalvix said. She averted her eyes, I suspected out of respect for her patient rather than because his nudity made her uncomfortable. She was too professional to behave otherwise. She stepped out of the cubicle with a shake of her head.

"No need, I'm not modest," Slek stood fully upright. He stood over a head taller than me.

"You might not be," I said, "but the rest of the ship doesn't need to be subjected to your—"

"Puny muscles?" he finished with a smirk.

"Exactly," I said. "There's no cure for that kind of trauma."

He chuckled. "So, about that date. Should we go now, or can I bend you over the bed and pound you silly?"

"If you harass my staff, I'll have to report you to your superior officer," Kalvix said from outside the curtain.