"Now you object," Slek said, loud enough for her to hear. "I think she likes me, deep down."

A snort and the sound of footsteps moving away was the only response his comment got.

"Wait there, I'll see what I can find." I slipped out without a glance over my shoulder and headed for the wardrobe where spare clothes were kept for times like this. I found a shirt and a pair of trousers in IF grey which should fit well enough, and took them back in. I handed them both to him and stood back while he dressed.

"I was serious about the date," he said. He winced a little while he pulled the shirt over his shoulders. "I know just the place."

"I'm sure you do, but it's breakfast time and I probably look a mess." I didn't need to consult a mirror to know much of my hair had exploded out of my hair-tie and sat around my head like a crown of fuzz.

"You look beautiful," he said firmly. "I don't offer to nail every girl I see, you know."

"Mmmhmm," I said, disbelieving.

"It's true," he protested. "Just the cute ones."

I might have stood up a bit taller. "You think I'm cute?"

"You're adorable," he said. "You must have guys chasing you right and left."

"Not exactly, no," I replied. "Some even hate my guts." I debated telling him about J'avet, but it didn't seem fair to get him involved in the situation, especially if he had to work with the man.

"Their loss." He buttoned up his shirt and leaned against the bed to pull on his pants.

"That's true," I agreed. Unless the asshole-dickhead-prick made Danec's life more difficult.

"What about tonight?" Slek zipped up his fly, after making a show of trying to tuck his cock in, as if it might be too big to fit. Maybe it was. "I can't work for a few more days, so I know I'm free."

"I'm on two days off after this," I replied.

He grinned. "Perfect, we can have dinner and then spend the next two days in bed."

"You're very sure I'll sleep with you," I said.

"I'm an eternal optimist," he said unapologetically. His expression turned serious for a moment. "I'm also a shameless flirt, in case you hadn't guessed, but I will respect you if you say no. Although, you've seen my dick, who wouldn't want to—"

"Engineer Slek," Kalvix's warning tone came from just outside the curtain.

"Oops, she's using my job title. She must be really pissed," Slek said loudly.

"Can you blame her?" I teased.

While he pretended to be hurt, Kalvix didn't bother to suppress a bark of laughter.

"See, she does like me," Slek said. He stuck his head out the curtain, then tugged it aside on the rail.

"Interesting theory," Kalvix said from the sink where she stood, washing her hands. Her antennas turned toward us, as if keeping an extra set of eyes on him.

Slek scratched his forehead. "So, no threesome then?"

"If you don't leave, I'll call security," Kalvix said, but she didn't look too serious. Yet.

"All right, all right, I'm going." He held his hands out to either side.

"Me too," I said. "Unless you need me for anything further?"

Kalvix waved me out the door with the cloth she used to dry her hands. "Enjoy your days off."

"I will. Thank you, Doctor." I could have skipped, but I walked out the door, weary and hungry. To Slek I said, "I'm in room seventy-seven. I'll see you at seven."