"I can see you in a dress and a pretty pink wig," I teased.

He put his empty cup in the bucket and took mine from my fingers when I nodded that I was done.

"The funny thing is, that's exactly what I would put myself in." He leaned back against the wall again and cupped his hands behind his head. "A curly pink wig and yellow dress stuffed full so I had big boobs." He wiggled his eyebrows at me and grinned.

"I'm sure you were very pretty," I said, trying not to laugh. He would have looked adorable and I had no issue with people of any gender or species dressing however they liked.

"The prettiest," he agreed. "But not as pretty as you." He leaned in to catch a curl around his finger. He twirled it slowly and stared in fascination as though he'd never touched hair before. "You're so soft." His voice broke on the last word. "I had no idea."

I blushed.

He smiled and moved his hand to the back of my head, feather light, stroking in wonder. He caught up a handful and gently pulled me to him.

My eyes locked on his. I had never seen that shade of blue before. They looked as if they should crackle with electricity.

"Edie." His breath brushed my cheek, warm and scented with honey. Sweet and hot, all at the same time.

"Mmmhmm?" I couldn't be trusted with actual words right now.

"Can I kiss you?"

"Mmmhmm." My eyes half closed, stomach fluttered with nervous anticipation.

When his lips met mine, I wanted to explode and implode all at once. Fire danced through my veins like flames on tinder dry wood.

He kissed me gently, softy, barely more than a brush before he pulled away.

"I want so much more," he said, his voice husky, "but I don't want to spoil this. I don't want to rush."

I nodded. Part of me wanted him to pin me beneath him and pound me until I screamed, but I wanted more with him than just sex.

"Agreed," I said reluctantly. "No rushing. We have—" I was going to say, 'all the time in the world' but in truth, we had this journey. Once we reached Agus, I would get off the Infinity and he wouldn't. My heart sank a little, but if there was anything to this, we would make it work.


His words were interrupted by an enormous bang and the deck shifted under us.