"Of course you did." He laughed. "So, why don't you tell me more about yourself."

"What do you want to know?" I asked. I hoped the blush would fade quickly.

"Everything." He reclined on his elbow and toasted me with a cup of synthmilk. "Start with where you were born."

He listened intently while I told him about my childhood, my parents, my tendency to nurse my siblings while they were sick, which led me to go into the profession. I told him why I left Earth and how much I loved chocolate.

"I'll have to remember that," he said. "I think I'm going to have to work hard if I'm going to impress you."

"Yes, you do," I said, only half joking. "What about you?"

"What about me?" He leaned back against the wall, a lazy smile on his lips. "I'm already impressed with myself."

I swatted him on the arm. When I touched his skin, my fingers burned like I'd swiped my hand across a hot stove. More electricity than the jolt the Garvian had received, shot through me, to the last drop of blood which now pounded in every vein like a hammer.

Slek's lips dropped apart and I knew he felt it too. It was more than desire. It was a yearning to be close to him, to find out everything. To understand the man behind the flirtation. Okay, it was desire as well, I'm only human.

"I told you everything about myself," I said softly. "Now I want to know about you."

"I have a feeling," he said, his voice the same pitch, "that I've only started to scratch the surface." He sucked in a breath and his usual boyishness was back. "I was born in the capital of Frey-T. My father was a teacher, my mother is an engineer. She designs ships like this." He gestured around the room with his cup. "So guys like me can complain about the bad design when we have to repair things. Before you ask, no, she never listens to my suggestions. If she had, there would be Blarviun ale running through the pipes instead of water."

"I don't fancy the idea of showering in ale." I wrinkled my nose.

"That's what she said. In your case, I would happily lick it all off." He stuck out his tongue and licked the air a couple of times. The end split in two, like a snake's.

A shiver passed through me. I could imagine him doing a few things with that tongue…

I cleared my throat, but it did little to suppress the throb in my body.

"That wouldn't work for everyone on board," I said, my voice higher than usual. "Commander J'avet, for one." I meant it as a joke, but the image of the Parvoran sucking ale off my breasts popped into my head. Just the thought made me wet as hell. Okay, more wet.

"It might do him some good," Slek said. "He might lighten up a little."

"Yeah." I really needed to change the subject before I made a total mess of my panties. "So you went into engineering because your mother did it, or just to get ale into the pipes?"

He chuckled. "I had an aptitude for it. My father was disappointed." His expression turned rueful. "Teaching is a traditionally male job on Frey-T. He wanted me to follow him. Can you imagine me teaching university?"

"I can imagine you getting into trouble with every pretty student who came your way," I replied.

"Yeah, I probably wouldn't have lasted very long. It's safer to work with machines. They don't mind if you get intimate with them." A frown crossed his features. "I don't mean like that. That would be weird. I mean you touch them and they don't complain. Unless they're androids. Some of those really hate being repaired. I met one once who swore it tickled every time I tried to unscrew a bolt." He shook his head and furrowed his brow, but looked amused.

"Is that even possible?" I asked. My knowledge of androids and robots was limited to the ones in factories, which put together vehicles and technology. I'd never actually seen one.

"Yes and no," he replied. "Technically, machines can't feel anything, but their creators can make them think they can. I'm not sure if they want to make them like living beings, or if they're just smart asses."

"Both?" I suggested.

He scratched his forehead. "Possibly. Personally, I don't see the point. Imagine if the Infinity was more alive. She might throw us off if we touch her the wrong way."

"Perhaps that was what happened." I waved at the healing wound on his head.

"Now you mention it, that makes sense." He looked thoughtful. "I should be more careful how I handle the old girl from now on."

I shook my head at him and smiled. I couldn't picture him being rough with the ship. After all, if he broke it, he'd have to fix it.

"Siblings?" I asked.

"Two sisters, both older," he replied. "They liked to play with me like I was a doll."