I'msure it's a complete coincidence that I had night shifts every night for the next week. Kalvix and the other medics kept me so busy I had no time for more than a few words with Slek. I stumbled into my cabin just as Brinley was heading out for her shift. I would mutter tired words and she'd respond with sleepy ones. At least I didn't see J'avet, but I didn't see Danec either.

"Our patient's bone knitters come off today," Kalvix said as she walked into the infirmary right at seven am. "I trust you'll have no problem staying on for a while longer."

I suppressed a groan. "Yes, Doctor, of course." Truthfully, the night shift had been a long one.

A human woman had cut her finger and needed a couple of stitches.

A man from Garvi-3 had a kink in his tentacles, which I didn't know how to deal with. The doctor on duty had connected him to a machine that seemed to administer some kind of electric shock. The man had jerked, and his tentacles shot out like an angry puffer fish.

For a moment I thought he was in pain, but he smiled.

"That was exactly what I needed, thanks doc." He gave me a nod and made his way out the door.

"That was interesting," I remarked.

The doctor smiled. "Garvians are interesting folk." He was an older man, who spoke with a low, warm rumble. "They're technically blind, as we understand vision, but they use electric impulses to guide them around. When they've overdone it, they need a brief recharge."

"So their tentacles flop when they're tired?" I said.

The doctor chuckled. "In a manner of speaking, yes. Ordinarily they'd plug themselves in while they sleep, but sometimes that's not enough."

"That's cool," I said. Strange, but cool.

"Very." The doctor nodded and went back to his desk.

I went back to mine and opened the file on Garvi-3 so I could read more. With Slek asleep, and every surface spotlessly clean, there was little else for me to do. No nurse wished for a busy shift, but this was slower than I preferred. By the time it was over, I was ready to eat and sleep.

Until Kalvix arrived.

I followed her to Slek's bed and slipped in behind the curtain.

The purple guy from Frey-T was already awake and waiting for us. He'd managed to work himself up so he was sitting, but his arms stuck out uncomfortably.

"Oh good, you're both here." He grinned. "Time for a sponge bath and maybe a quick blow job?"

"It's time to remove those." Kalvix nodded toward the bone knitter closest to her. "You'll be able to wash and pleasure yourself soon enough."

Slek pouted. "But it's so much more fun when someone else does it. Wouldn't you agree, Edie?" He quirked an eyebrow at me.

"Sure," I said with a shrug, "but it's time you scratched your own itches."

From the deadpan look on Kalvix's face, she had read the file.

"She's spent too much time with you," Slek told the doctor. "She's become a spoilsport already." He raised a finger at me. "Don't forget we have a date planned after I get out of here. That," he paused for emphasis, "is imminent."

Kalvix shot me a look.

I suppose, unlike J'avet, she didn't care who her subordinates fraternised with outside their work hours. Maybe she thought I had dubious taste. Either way, she said nothing.

"I haven't forgotten," I assured Slek.

"Have you removed bone knitters before?" Kalvix asked.

"Yes, Doctor." I nodded.

"Very well." She waved at me to take off the left one, while she unwound the bandage from Slek's head.