I usually didn't go for guys as self assured as him, but my mouth went dry. When he wasn't a patient, maybe, but for now…

"There, that'll do," I said quickly, my attention firmly on work. "That should keep you moist for a day or two."

He grinned. "Ah, you can play the flirting game too. I was starting to think they'd sent another dull human. There's enough of those on the Infinity at the best of times."

"I'm pretty sure there are dull people from every planet," I said, trying not to take offence at the dig at my home-world.

"That's true." Slek sighed. "Take Kalvix for example." He wriggled his brows. "I tried to. Take her, I mean. She wouldn't play. She's all work and no fun. You, on the other hand, seem like the kind of girl who likes to have a good time." He nodded toward his groin. "Now I'm all moist, why don't you climb on board and go for a ride?"

"I'm starting to think," I pulled the blanket back over his cock, "that you didn't fall, but instead were pushed."

He feigned hurt. "Only if they're jealous of my prowess. Come on, I can keep a secret."

I pulled the blanket higher. "I can't begin to tell you how much trouble I would be in if I did," I said. "I'd be on the first cargo carrier back to Earth and never work as a nurse again."

"That really matters to you, doesn't it?" For a few moments at least, he was serious.

"Very much so," I said firmly.

"Would you fuck me if it wasn't against the rules?"

I frowned. "We've just met."

"That's never stopped me before," he said.

"Well, it's stopped me," I said firmly. "I like to get to know a guy first."

"Fine." He sighed loudly and shifted his rear to get more comfortable. "When I'm out of here, can I ask you out?"

"That depends, "I replied. "Are you sure no one pushed you?"

Now Slek frowned. "I'm sure, Why?"

"Because I don't want to go out with you if someone wants to hurt you. Or worse." I was only half joking.

He grinned. "I knew you'd say yes."

"You're a cocky bastard, aren't you?" I asked.

"I've been called worse," he said. "For the record, no one wants me hurt. I was a victim of my own arrogance."

"Why do I feel as though I should get that in writing?" I teased.

"Because I don't go around making admissions like that," he said. "This is a one time thing."

I shook my head. "I figured. Now, I should put this away and update your file."

"Thanks," he said. He seemed genuine.

"For what?" I asked. "I was just doing my job."

"Yeah, but my balls really were itchy. They were driving me crazy."

"Well, we can't have crazy patients, can we now?" I backed out of the cubicle and let the curtain fall back into place.

Speaking of crazy…

I tossed the gloves down the chute, and the applicator down another and returned the lotion to the shelf. I washed my hands thoroughly and, with several glances over my shoulder, sat at the desk.