"Yeah, Oh." There was that smirk again. "So, about my itchy balls?"

I frowned at him over my shoulder. "I thought it was your cock that was itchy?"

He shrugged with one shoulder, then winced. "They're both itchy. I keep telling the other medics, but they ignore me. I'm thinking of filing a complaint."

I held back laughter. It wasn't nice to laugh at a patient, especially one who couldn't do things for himself. He struck me as independent, as well as arrogant.

"I suppose I could apply some lotion to stop the itch," I said. Even for a different species, a simple cream should be harmless. I had seen a bottle on a shelf near a desk, so I hurried to grab some and slipped back into the cubicle.

I snapped on a pair of gloves and started to peel back the blankets. The skin of his body was slightly lighter than his face. On the left side of his chest he sported a tattoo in the shape of a whorl. His chest and torso looked so firm I could have broken diamonds on him. Or licked him for an hour or two. Damn.

I swallowed back the thought. I had seen plenty of bodies before, enough to simply think of them clinically, as just a patient. But there was something about him…

I forced the idea away. Nursing rule number one, never get intimate with a patient.

I exposed his cock and wasn't surprised to see it was big and slightly hard. Lines of small bumps covered him from balls to tip. They protruded further when he became slightly more erect. I was tempted to touch them, to see how they felt. Professional curiosity, that was all. Or so I told myself.

"So, um, how did you fall?" I asked, determined to be all business. I poured lotion on an applicator and began to slather it over his length.

"Would you believe I was dared to stand on the railing?" he asked.

"Actually, yes," I said. "I believe it, but I have a feeling that wasn't what really happened."

I glanced at his face. His eyes were half closed. He was obviously enjoying the attention a bit too much.

"I reached for a conduit and missed," he said with a scowl. "I should have used a longer ladder, but I figured…"

"Accidents happen," I said graciously. He made a mistake and he was being punished for it. There didn't seem much point in rubbing it in. So to speak.

"Yeah." He shifted his arms and grimaced. Both were encased in bone knitters, which would heal them fully in around a week. That must seem like a long time for an active guy.

"You know, if you put on too much of that, you'll have to lick it off." He gave me a boyish smile, which I responded to with a roll of my eyes.

"And to think, I was worried you'd be different from human men," I said. "In the end, you all think with your dicks."

"Haha, ow." He sucked in a breath. "If we didn't have dicks, you women wouldn't talk to us."

I pouted at him. "That's not true. I'm talking to you, aren't I?"

"While you're creaming up my dick," he shot back.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Slek," he replied, "son of Arron."

"I'm Edie," I said. "Has anyone told you you're incorrigible?"

"Hmmm, hot, sexy, great in bed, irresistible… No, I don't think they have."

"Consider yourself told then," I said tartly. Tentatively I touched the applicator to his balls and slathered quickly.

"Your bedside manner could use some work," he said.

"At least you won't be itchy anymore," I said.

"In a few days I'll be out of here and you'll be begging me to nail you so hard you scream," he said with such certainty I raised my eyebrows at him.

He looked back at me intently. His gaze didn't waver. He didn't even blink.