“That is wise, considering the horse is probably not used to carrying the extra weight,” Miss Locke remarked.

He dismounted, then turned back to assist her. She placed her hands on his shoulders and he slowly slid her down to the ground, not releasing her right away. She didn’t appear to be in any hurry to be out of his arms by the way she was staring up at him.

But the mood was broken when Hawthorne’s voice came from next to them. “It is a beautiful day, is it not?”

Guy cleared his throat as he lowered his arms and took a step back. “It is, quite lovely,” he answered hoarsely.

Hawthorne turned his attention towards Miss Locke. “I do fear that your reputation may suffer once the townsfolk have learned that Mr. Huxley has been arrested for your abduction.”

“I understand, but I do not wish for his actions to go unpunished,” Miss Locke responded.

“Then I shall speak to the magistrate on your behalf, as well,” Hawthorne said. “With any luck, he will confess to his wrongdoing and this case won’t go to trial.”

Miss Locke gave Hawthorne a grateful smile. “Thank you, my lord. That is most thoughtful of you.”

“You are welcome, Miss Locke.”

Miss Locke turned her attention back towards Guy. “I am sorry about what Mr. Huxley said to you back there.”

“You are sorry?” Guy asked.

“I just want you to know that I don’t think any less of you since your father was a brickmason,” she said.

“You don’t?”

She shook her head. “I believe you to be the most honorable man that I know.”

Guy felt a stab of disappointment at her words. “I’m afraid I am not who you think I am,” he reluctantly admitted.

“Oh? Then who are you?”

“Someone who is in no way worthy of you.”

Her eyes roamed his face. “Shouldn’t I be the one who determines that?” she asked.

“I’m afraid it is much more complicated than that.” He could see the questions lingering in her eyes, and he knew this was not the time or place to be discussing this. “We shall speak more of this later.”

She nodded her understanding.

“Shall we continue our journey home?” he asked. “I have no doubt that your grandmother is missing you very much.”

Chapter Eighteen

Daphne knew thatshe shouldn’t be enjoying this moment, but she loved nothing more than being in Mr. Stewart’s arms. They had ridden for what seemed like hours as they traveled back to her manor, stopping only to let the horses rest.

She leaned her head against Mr. Stewart’s broad chest and stifled the sigh that was on her lips. His musky scent drew her in, and she never wanted this moment to end. But did Mr. Stewart feel the same way?

She knew he held her in some affection, but something was holding him back. How could she make him understand that she didn’t care that he worked a menial job at the bank or that he was forced to work for his income? She just wanted him in her life, nothing more.

Her manor loomed ahead and she knew that her time with Mr. Stewart had come to an end. He would leave her, and she would be left to pine after him for the remainder of her days. No, she had to find a way to convince him to stay with her.

Mr. Stewart reined in his horse in front of the manor and dismounted, then assisted her down and took a step back, creating more distance between them.

The door opened and Phineas ran out. “You are back!” he shouted as he came to embrace her.

“I am.”

Her cousin leaned back. “I was so worried about you.”