“You were?”

He smiled. “We may not see eye to eye, but I would never wish harm to befall you.”

“That is good to know,” Daphne said, returning his smile.

Slipping an arm around her shoulders, he encouraged, “Come, let’s get you some refreshment.”

“I would appreciate that.”

As Phineas led her into the entry hall, she was pleased to see that Mr. Stewart and Lord Hawthorne trailed behind them.

Barrow approached her with a smile on his face. “It is good to see you home, Miss.”

“My cousin will require a bath,” Phineas ordered.

“Of course,” Barrow replied.

Phineas turned towards her. “You look terrible, Cousin.”

“I do?” she asked as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

“I’m afraid so,” Phineas replied.

Mr. Stewart interjected, “If I may say so, Miss Locke is looking lovely today, especially considering the circumstances.”

Phineas huffed as he led her into the drawing room. “No, you may not say,” he muttered under his breath.

Daphne smiled over her shoulder at Mr. Stewart. “Thank you for that.”

His eyes crinkled around the edges. “You are welcome.”

Phineas’ voice drew her attention back to him. “Grandmother is doing much better,” he informed her. “When I left her, she was sitting up on the settee and her lady’s maid was reading to her.”

“That pleases me to hear,” she said as she sat.

“You should know that Sarah was arrested by the constable.”

Daphne sighed. “I assumed that would be the case. How were you able to discover her involvement?”

Phineas puffed out his chest. “I got her to confess the truth,” he bragged, then backed down a little. “Mr. Stewart and Hawthorne may have helped.”

Daphne raised an eyebrow, not quite believing him.

“Fine,” Phineas sighed. “Mr. Stewart and Lord Hawthorne questioned her until she revealed that Mr. Huxley had convinced her to kill Grandmother so we could be together. I fear that Sarah is mad.”

“No,” Daphne said. “She is young and incredibly naïve. After all, she fell for your lies, as well.”

“I didn’t lie to her, per se,” he defended. “I did care for her.”

She lifted her brow. “You led her to believe that you two could have a future together.”

Phineas shifted uncomfortably. “Regardless, she intended to kill Grandmother, and she deserves to be punished.”

“You are right, of course,” Daphne said.

A maid walked into the drawing room and set a tray on the table. She poured four cups of tea and then passed them out. Once she was done, she exited the room without saying a word.

Daphne took a sip of her tea, then lowered her cup to her lap. “It might be best if I go check on Grandmother.”