Page 11 of Always Mine

“Hey, big brother.”

“Hey, Ce. What’s up?”

She plops into the chair on the opposite side of my desk. “Not much.” Then she smiles a wicked smile. “Caroline said you came in late today.”

We hired Caroline, a girl in her early twenties, to be our receptionist a couple of months ago. I like her, except for the fact that she and Cece have become fast friends, and they both like to gossip. Usually it doesn’t matter much for me because nothing interesting has been happening. But now? Caroline would tell Cece I came in late. She may not have worked here long, but she knows I’m never late.

“I did.”

“How come?” Cece asks, snapping her gum.

“Because I did. We still grabbing dinner tonight?” I ask, trying to change the subject.

She sits up straight and looks at me. “Actually, uh, I have some plans.”

Wow. I’m surprised the subject change worked.

I cock an eyebrow at her. Maybe I’m not the only one hiding something. “Oh, really? With who?”

“No one.”

“Ah, so it’s a date.”

“Shut up,” she says. Then her gaze turns evil again. “What about you? Doyouhave plans? Or did you? Is that why you were late this morning?”

“Maybe,” I huff.

She points her finger at me. “No. There’s no way. You don’t do hookups. What the hell is going on?”

“It wasn’t a hookup,” I growl. “It’s… more.”


Her eyes go wide. She covers her mouth. “Oh my god! Did it finally happen?” She jumps from her chair and starts spinning around. “You and Zoey? Tell me it finally happened!”

I rub my hand over my forehead. “Yes.”

“Oh my god! Yes! Finally! The gods have heard our prayers.”

“Ha. Very funny. Get it all out because you are sworn to secrecy. We haven’t told anyone else yet and we’re not going to. We know how everyone felt about us getting together and we just want to enjoy this. No talking. No gossiping. No Caroline or anyone. We haven’t even told Mikey and Trish.”

She sighs happily as she sits down, clapping her hands. “Fine. That’s fine.” She mimes zipping her lips. “Secret is safe with me. And I don’t blame you for not telling them. They meddle.”

At that, I laugh. Because they absolutely do.

Cece leans across my desk, all starry-eyed. “How was it? Was it amazing?”

Yes. Even though we didn’t dothatyet.

“Are you seriously asking about my sex life?”

Her face scrunches up. “Ew. No. Gross. I meant, like, generally.”

“Generally speaking, that hasn’t happened yet. Us getting together just happened. I want to take her out on a proper date first.”

She giggles. “Mom did a number on you.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “She raised me to be an upstanding man, exactly what you should want, too.”