Page 12 of Always Mine

She tilts her head back and forth. “As long as he’s not a gentleman in the sheets.”

“Get out of my office. Now. And no—”

“Telling. Yeah, I know, boss. Well, now you’re free and clear to leave early and gotreatZoey.”

“Out. Goodbye.”

She blows me a kiss and winks at me before shutting the door.

I reach for my phone, but before I can text Zoey, my brother calls.

“Hey, little bro,” I answer.

“Hey, what are you doing tonight?”


God, I can’t wait to be with her like that. Feel her. Touch every curve. Taste—


I clear my throat and adjust my jeans. “Sorry. Uh, not much. I thought I’d have to work late, but I don’t, and Cece has plans with a friend.” She better kiss my ass in thanks for not throwing her under the bus to Mikey. He is way too protective of her. I might be the oldest, but Mikey is the most aggressive.

“Perfect. You can come for dinner.”


Huh. That would let me see Zoey tonight. Then I could take her out after. This could work.

“What time?”

“Six. But be here early.”

“Okay, sounds good.”

I can hear his stupid I’m-pulling-one-over-on-you grin through the frigging phone.Asshole. Little does he know that I already know Zoey will be there.

Once we hang up, I think about telling her, but decide it’ll be more fun to surprise her.

I look down at my watch. Three hours cannot go by fast enough.


Trish stuffs a glass of wine I didn’t ask for in my hand. It’s not that I don’t like wine, I’m just not much of a drinker. If I do, I like to be really basic and have champagne or occasionally a good beer.

Mikey walks past, pulls the wine from my hand, and replaces it with one of my go-to beers.

“You guys are weird tonight,” I say, looking between them.

Their eyes dart to each other, then back to me. “How so?” Trish asks, all breathy.


I wave my finger between them. “This. Aprons. Cooking a big dinner. My favorite beer. What gives?”

“Nothing. We’re trying to cook more and I happened to see that beer today and thought of you, that’s all,” Mikey says.

I squint at them. Not buying it. The timer on the oven goes off as I hear the front door open. I tilt my head to look at Mikey, who smirks at me before walking out of the room.