Page 3 of Sailing Away Plans

Chapter Two

The meeting ended when Dr. Winston declared he would be doing paper work in his office for the rest of the morning. All patients would be seen by one of the two young doctors.

Needing to be alone to take in what had just happened, Lillian rushed to the nurses’ break room and shut the door behind her. It burst open. Heidi had followed her.

“What’s wrong with you, Lillian? Your voice was shaking as if you were about to cry.”

Lillian sniffled and blew her nose. “Allergy attack.”

“Seriously?” she sneered. “This coming from the woman who’s been caring for dogs, cats and plants without a sneeze? Find someone more gullible or hide your feelings. You remind me of a teenager with her first crush.”

“Okay, I’m an idiot. I’ve been an idiot for fifteen years.”

“Nope. Only for the seven years since his wife died. Does that make you feel better?”

Lillian chuckled nervously. “What can I say? I fell in love with him the day I met him. I felt horrible, guilty, and dejected when I learned his wife was terminal. Then he was mourning, and I tried to be understanding and supportive.”

“You’ve been amazing. Without you, he would’ve been lost. Now that he’s recovered and is doing well, he’s taking you for granted.”

“I know. He doesn’t see me. I’m part of the décor at his house and here, except during medical procedures.”

“Your fault, girl. In addition to your regular duties as a nurse, you’re the one who was always ready to assist with all of his surgeries, agreed to check on his house, his pets and his plants, organized a dinner for his kids, bought and wrapped their presents, or did whatever else crossed his mind. Come on. Lillian, when were you ever going to say no?”

“I couldn’t. I can’t, not when he needs help so badly, not when I want him to rely on me.”

“He certainly relied on you, but he may end up dating some pretty woman on his romantic island who’ll just kiss him.”

“Don’t say that.” Her eyes filled with tears.

“Okay, keep pampering him if you enjoy it, but do something for yourself. Kiss him, or eat the dinner you’ve cooked for himwithhim, instead of just leaving the prepared food for him. For heaven’s sake, don’t let him take advantage of you.”

“Heidi, he’s not taking advantage. He’s paid me generously every time he’s given me an extra task.”

“Do you need the overtime money?”

“No, not anymore.”

“Well, then refuse it. Let him be in your debt.”

“But he insists. Maybe it’s too late now. He’s leaving and won’t need me anymore.”

“Oh dear.” Heidi rolled her eyes. “You do seem to relish your misery.”

“No. You’re right. I can’t continue living in his shadow. If he ever needs me again, I’ll say no. I won’t even answer his call.” Her phone rang. “Ah.”

“It’s him, right?”

Her tears forgotten, Lillian smiled.

“Don’t answer. Don’t go.” Heidi shook a menacing finger under her nose.

“I have to. He’s still the boss.” She tapped the green icon. “Yes, Dr. Winston … Right away, Dr. Winston.” She touched the red icon. “He wants me in his office.”

“You’re a hopeless case. Don’t count on me to dry your tears.”

Lillian blew her nose, checked her bun in the restroom’s mirror, and adjusted her glasses before sprinting to the doctor’s office. She knocked, waited for thecome in, and entered.

“Have a seat, Lillian.”