Page 4 of Sailing Away Plans

Sitting behind his imposing, mahogany desk, Dr. Winston was more intimidating than he’d been an hour earlier but just as handsome with his deep-blue eyes under long, dark lashes, his chiseled profile, and curly, salt and pepper hair.

“You needed something, Dr. Winston?” Of course, he needed something. Too late she realized she’d used the wrong word.

“Of course, I need you, dear Lillian. I thought I heard some angst in your voice during the meeting. Don’t worry. Nothing will change for you in the next three months. Even though I’ll be on St. John, I’ll still need you to check the house and take care of the pets and plants.”

Heidi’s advice and threats resonated in her ears. “Dr. Winston,” she started, “I’m not sure... I mean—”

“I realize three months is a long time, but I’m not worried. You’re so efficient.”

“It’s not that. I… I can’t—”

He frowned. “I’ll pay you generously.”

“Ah.”Let him be in your debt.Heidi was right.If he paid her, she would never be more than an employee—or a servant in this case. “I don’t want you to pay me, Dr. Winston.”

“Don’t be so generous, Lillian. People will take advantage of you. But not me. Never.”

Lips tight, she met his gaze. “Dr. Winston, I don’t want your money,” she said, her tone brisk.

“Then I can’t accept your help.” His lips curved down. “Yet, you’re the only one I can trust with my house and the pets. Please, Lillian, say yes. I need you so badly.”

Oh God. He was pleading with her. How could she resist?

“All right, I’ll take care of your house and pets. But no money, please. It…it hurts my pride.”

“Ah.” He winced. “Sorry, I didn’t realize. I thought you needed the cash. Regardless, I should compensate your efforts somehow. Another round trip ticket, maybe?”

“What do you mean?”

“Haven’t you opened your envelope?”

“I thought it was a cruise, like Heidi’s. I couldn’t go on a cruise by myself.”

He shook his head, his indulgent smile so endearing. “No, I gave you a round trip ticket to St. John.”

“That’s lovely. Thank you.” He wanted her to visit him in his new place. Now, she felt badly for not opening the envelope and thanking him.

“I can give you another ticket instead of money.”

“I don’t have that much accrued vacation time. Dr. Randall might fire me if I skipped work too often.”

Dr. Winston nodded and huffed. “Well, is there anything that would please you? I’ll get it for you.”

“Something that would please me?” She smiled. Oh yes, there was something she wanted more than anything in the world. “Take me out to dinner,” she blurted, imagining herself holding his arm and walking into a five-star restaurant.

“A dinner?” He burst out laughing. “That’s all? It would take at least ten dinners to repay your work, even more.”

“Well then, ten dinners it is.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Are you serious? Ten dinners as payment for your pet sitting and looking after the house?”

Did he have to insist on the word payment? She wanted to cry in disappointment, tell him to forget it, and to hell with his house and his pets. Lips pouting, she struggled to control a wave of tears. “I haven’t been to dinner in…in ages.” More like twenty years.

“All right, if dinner is something that would please you...” He smiled. “At least we’ve found an acceptable solution.” His eyebrows relaxed. “You’ll have your ten dinners and more if I can make time.” Obviously relieved that he’d found a way to satisfy her and ease his conscience, he extended a hand. “Deal?”

She shook it and flashed a radiant smile.

Oh God, she would be going to dinner with gorgeous Steve Winston soon. “When?”