She didn’t know it yet, but I could be trouble too, and I was going nowhere without her, so she was going to have to put up with my version of trouble just as I was going to have to put up with hers. It only seemed fair.

We sat down at a round table across from each other. An elderly waitress with an ugly yellow apron and tired eyes came out to drop off menus and take our drink orders.

I wasn’t surprised in the slightest that my girl ordered hot chocolate. I didn’t think I’d ever seen her drink pop or anything cold except for water. It was a weird quirk that I accepted and completely understood. We both came with a lot of damage, and if anyone could understand her, it was going to be me.

Captivity changed a person, especially when it was forced and you’d done nothing to deserve it.

Some people belonged to be locked up, but Isobel and I weren’t on that list of people. We’d both been unlucky enough to have caught the eyes of sick individuals with too much power and a whole lot of fucked up headspace.

We were survivors, and I liked to think that we both came out on the other side stronger for it—damaged but stronger. I didn’t know about Isobel, but I had already been slightly damaged even before my time in captivity. The Council had their hooks in me long before then.

As far as I knew, Isobel had as close to a normal life as any female witch in our community could have had. I didn’t want to find out differently, because it might actually break something else inside me and there wasn’t much left in there to be broken before I was left with nothing but a pile of rubble on the inside.

What was one supposed to do with a pile of rubble?

“Are you two ready to order?”

Fuck. The waitress was back, and I’d been so lost in the mess that is my head that I hadn’t even bothered to pick up the menu yet. And I’d somehow missed the delivery of our drinks as well.

Isobel watched me carefully over the top of her menu as she replied to the waitress. “Could we please have a few more minutes? Thanks.”

The waitress sighed as if we were the biggest pains in the ass as she headed back inside. All the while she muttered angrily under her breath. I did not appreciate her attitude in the slightest. Usually the staff was always friendly here. I hoped this bitch was an anomaly, because I didn’t want to think of my favorite place to eat as being tainted and then have to find a new one.

“Jesus.” Isobel groaned in an angry huff. “I know I’m not the friendliest of people when it comes to my own damn job, but that’s only because I have to watch the brainless bubble butts drool over Rain, and I stupidly let it get under my skin. What’s this woman’s problem? Do you think she wants to fuck you and is mad about you being here with a younger, prettier female?”

All I could do was gape at her before I threw my head back and roared with laughter. Goddamn, that mouth of hers was simply too good to be true at times. I loved this about her.

“Sweetheart,” I purred as I leaned across the table. “If you think she wants to fuck me then you’re crazier than I already thought you were, and that’s saying something.” I arched an eyebrow at her in arrogance. “Did it not occur to you that perhaps it’s you who she wants to fuck, and she’s upset because she’s too old for you and is uncomfortable because she thinks you’re out to lunch with your father and now she feels like a dirty old pervert?”

She leaned into the table, putting us close enough to share breath with each other. She grinned flirtatiously at me. “Is this your way of telling me you want me to call you Daddy? Because I’ve got to tell you, I’m more than down with that.”

Inside my pants, my cock twitched to life, waking the fuck up at just the thought of her calling meDaddy.I didn’t even care if it mademethe dirty old pervert. I didn’t care that she was around the same age as my son, and I probably shouldn’t have ever looked at her sideways in the first place.

We were always taught that when we found our female witch, we’d just know, and nothing else would matter.

I had never even dared to dream, but there she was, sitting at the small round table across from me.

The waitress came back, and my dumbass still hadn’t picked up the menu yet. Oh no, I was too busy starting at Isobel like a lovesick fool.

Fuck, what was the matter with me? I needed to get my head out of my asshole and start paying attention, because we were out in the open, exposed, and anything was possible.

Isobel smiled brightly at me like she found the whole thing vastly amusing. It gave me serious ideas about spanking her ass. I wondered if she’d like that. Goddamn, I fucking hoped so. My palm twitched with need just like my cock had.

“I’ll take the bacon chicken wrap with ranch, please, and curly fries. Oh, and the potato skins, also with a side of ranch.” Isobel snapped her menu closed smartly and handed it off to the lady.

The woman snatched it out of Isobel’s outstretched hand with an annoyed little huff. She probably thought half that food was going to go to waste, but she’d be wrong. Isobel always ate like she was starving, and I had no idea where she put it all.

I snapped open my menu and scanned over it quickly before the old broad could get any more irritated. “I’ll take the taco salad with extra salsa on the side. I’ll also take a side order of cheese balls.”

I tossed my menu down onto the table without bothering to thank her. There was a reason I didn’t like most women. They could be bitches, and this one seemed like a big one.

Isobel laughed outright while the woman stomped off with an angry snarl on her lips. Just what the fuck was her problem?

“You’re quite the charmer, Romero Flynn.”

The easy, flirty grin on her lips told me she was not put off in the slightest by my surly attitude. It seemed like the exact opposite, like she actually liked it. I smiled right back at her because fuck if I didn’t like her crazy ass right back.

She laughed a lot throughout lunch, and she did it open and freely like she didn’t have a care in the world. Fuck Finn and his stupid flowers, this beat them hands down.