The food absolutely did not suck, and I’d been right, Isobel ate every single bite of hers and then she ate half of my damn cheese balls too. I let her without complaint. It settled something inside me knowing I had provided her with something she needed, like food. The fact that she smiled and laughed only made it all the better.

And even though the waitress had been a bitch, I still tipped her generously because I might have been slightly off my rocker at times but I wasn’t a complete asshole.

Isobel drove us back to the tattoo shop, and she agreed easily when I asked her if she’d do it again with me next week.

I called that a win.

Our relationship might be moving at a snail’s pace, but I didn’t give a fuck, I’d take it and I’d love it.

Finn didn’t get to have her all to himself, and Rain might have finally decided to remove his head from his ass, but that didn’t mean I had any plans on stepping aside for either of them.

We’d all just have to learn how to share.

I had a feeling it was easier said than done.


An Adventure


This time, driving up the driveway to pick Isobel up felt a whole lot better than it had the first time I’d done it. I wasn’t nervous this time, just eager and excited.

It had been pure torture not to constantly text her to check in with her. I didn’t want her to think I was clingy and stalkerish. That could come later when I got my hooks in her so deep, she’d never be able to escape me.

I had dressed much the same as I always did—black T-shirt, black jeans, and black boots. I threw on a black button-up shirt over my T-shirt to make my outfit look like I’d put in some effort. I added a black belt with a big silver buckle that had a skull in the center of it and a black leather cuff bracelet on my left wrist.

I honestly didn’t think I owned any clothing that wasn’t black. We would look so different standing side by side, her all pretty in pink and me dressed head to toe in black like the sinister devil I was.

I still couldn’t get the sounds of her fucking screams out of my head. They’d woken me up in the middle of the night and made it almost impossible for me to sleep. So much so it had forced me out of bed in the middle of the night so I could stand outside her window like the fucking creeper I was just in case she screamed again and might need me.

She didn’t make any noise, and I always made sure to leave before the sun came up.

That bossy fuck Romero never said anything about me being gone all night, but I knew he knew every time I left. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out he followed me. He was a bigger creeper than I was.

I pulled open the screen door, knocked on the main door, and waited for her. I didn’t close the screen door and step back this time because she was expecting me, and I already knew she wasn’t afraid of me.

Like the first time, she didn’t make me wait long, and she also took my breath away at just the sight of her. She was good at that, robbing me of breath.

Her long dark hair hung loose and flowed around her, and my fingers ached to reach out so I could touch it. She wore a sweet, pale pink, spaghetti strapped summer dress. It wasn’t clingy or too revealing or anything like that. It flowed loosely around her body and the hem stopped just above her knees. She wore black cowboy boots on her feet, and her beautiful face was makeup free. She wore no jewelry and looked deliciously innocent.

I wanted to lift up the skirt of that pretty pink dress and fuck her against the door. I’d never fucked a woman before and could not wait for this one to be my first.

With any luck, she’d also be my last.

My dick was painfully hard in my jeans, and I refused to be embarrassed by it. In time, she’d get used to the effect she had on me, and hopefully she’d be proud of it.

“Hi,” she murmured as she looked up at me from beneath her thick black lashes.

At the sound of her sweet voice, my cock actually jerked, and I felt an ache in my balls.

Tonight was going to be pure torture for me, and I could not wait to enjoy the fuck out of every second of it.

“You ready to go, baby, or do you think you’ll need more time?”

I didn’t want to stick around here any longer and risk Rain showing up. He got to see her all day at work, and he lived with her for fuck’s sake. I did not want to share my time with her with him as well. That son of a bitch already got too much of her time as it was.

Tonight she was all mine.