Dash didn’t question me and promised me that he’d take care of it after I told him I would be having a roommate for the foreseeable future and his room needed furnishings. My boy told me he’d handle it, and I knew that bossy bastard Quinton would kit out Finn’s new bedroom and it’d probably be a whole lot nicer than what I had going on in my room right down the hall.

I just hoped they got it done and were gone before Finn showed up, because I had no plans on letting anyone know just yet exactlywhomy roommate was.

They could all mind their own fucking business until I decided exactly what I planned on doing with him.


Boo Daddy


I stared down at the text on my screen and couldn’t help the small smile creeping over my lips.

Finn:You got any plans for tonight?

Finn. It had been two days, and in those two days, I’d fretted uselessly because he hadn’t texted, and I had finally given up thinking he ever would.

I knew it sounded dramatic, but sometimes two days could feel like a lifetime to a girl.

Rain did not seem impressed by my behavior. I freakinglovedit.

We weren’t even officially friends yet, and Finn was already giving me a crap load of heartburn and just a bit of sick pleasure. I wasn’t sure what I’d been expecting, but it sure hadn’t beenthis.

I chewed on my bottom lip as I contemplated how to respond to Finn. Technically, I did have plans tonight, but they were with myself. Unfortunately I couldn’t work all the time at the shop, so Rain had hired two teens who lived in the house next to Quinton’s. Both of them had been abused by the Council in some way, and their families were dead. They had been ecstatic to have the opportunity to work for Rain and have a little bit of freedom and independence.

They were both good boys, but they drove me nuts. Both of them fucked with my desk just to mess with me, and I knew one of them used my ChapStick. I kept in the top drawer for emergencies. They both probably farted on my chair too.

I couldn’t not be happy for them, though, because they loved working there almost as much as I did. I couldn’t begrudge them that. And with them working when I wasn’t, I knew there wasn’t some bimbo sitting behind my desk making eyes at Rain.

Rain, however, worked a whole lot more than I did. He was the only artist we had, and he was being incredibly picky about who else he hired. So far no one else had been good enough for him.

This did not make me happy. It meant I got to see him a whole lot less than I would have liked, and that was with living with himandworking for him. I was more than ready for him to find someone to hire.

It also meant Baxter spent a whole lot of time either at the shop or at Ariel’s with Trenton and Simon. Those two men had appointed themselves as the kid’s uncles, and they loved spending as much time with him as they could. Baxter was happy with all the extra attention he was getting.

I, however, was not pleased with the lack of attention I was receiving, so I figured a little self-care was just what the doctor ordered.

I bought myself a bottle of Sour Apple Pucker—yum. I stocked up on junk food, facial shit, several different bottles of nail polish, and a sweet pair of comfy pajamas. I’d also rolled myself a couple of joints from my stash I kept hidden in my underwear drawer in my bedroom. Not the most original of hiding places, but I knew neither Rain nor Baxter wouldevergo snooping in there.

Sometimes I needed it to mellow me out. After Rain rescued me, I had several panic attacks that I tried to hide from everyone. I also had nightmares that made me feel like my whole world was ending, so I didn’t want to sleep at night. There was also the fact that I lived with two other people whom I didn’t want to terrify in the middle of the night by waking them with the sounds of my screams.

When I smoked a little or ate an edible before going to sleep, I slept like a baby, and the nightmares were always kept at bay. It also culled my panic attacks and laid waste to my anxiety.

Rain never complained or so much as commented on my use of marijuana so long as I didn’t try to trick him into eating an edible. Trust me, lesson learned a long time ago on that front. You’d think by his reaction that I had tried to poison him. He’d been mega stressed out, and all I’d been trying to do was help the man level out a bit… or something like that.

Like I said, lesson learned and never again.

There were really no excuses for what I had done, and I was the first to admit that some of my behavior could be downright questionable at times. I couldn’t even blame it all on my time spent chained up in a hole in the ground or the torture I’d gone through because I hadn’t exactly been the most normal of people before all that. I’d been a female witch whose family had gone all out to protect her, so much so that I’d been kind of closeted away from the rest of the world. I had been loved though, and I’d never felt like my life wasn’t normal until I’d had everything ripped away from me.

I had apologized to Rain and promised it’d never happen again, but I knew Ariel still held it against me. Rain did not. There was a reason I loved him more than I loved her outside of the fact I thought he was sexy as sin.

Now I had to figure out how to respond to Finn. Had he been serious about the sex shop? It sounded like a good adventure and all, but not one I wanted to have tonight.


Isobel:I do have plans, but I wouldn’t mind some company.

Isobel:You wouldn’t happen to like glittery nail polish and face masks, would you?