That damn woman. She was either occupying my mind, or Rain was. They were both slowly driving me fucking insane.

And now I had this asshole to worry about.

I scowled at him, but for once, someone wasn’t intimidated by it—wasn’t intimidated byme.

It made mereallylook at him and pay attention. I had to admit I liked what I saw, and that kind of pissed me off. I did not need one more person to be responsible for.

“I don’t have any intentions toward the woman. She’s beautiful and sweet and quirky in a way I like.” He shrugged uncomfortably. “Maybe I just really thought she’d make a great friend.”

She would make a great friend, and the woman could probably use a few friends herself. The only friend she had was Ariel, and Ariel really wasn’t a great friend because she didn’t have the time to put effort into a friendship. The girl had seven husbands, two bodyguards, a new little brother, and an entire house full of motherless teenage boys who looked at her as if she were their very own guardian angel. She also had Rain to put up with. She barely had time to sleep, so she didn’t have the time Isobel deserved from her one and only friend.

Now, I wasn’t stupid. I knew Finn likely wanted more than simple friendship from Isobel. She was beautiful, and any unattached man or woman would want to fuck her.

But he was a lot closer to her in age than I was, and he’d made her eyes light up. Maybe he would make a good friend for her. I wanted her to be happy in every way she possibly could be.


I remembered something Ariel had said after she destroyed that Council member. She’d found Finn in her tent with two other guys before Marcus had kidnapped her.

“Where are your other friends, Finn?” I demanded. “I heard there were two of them. Boys, witches. Are they staying here in this dump with you?”

He ground his teeth together and gritted out, “No, they aren’t staying here with me. They wanted to be on their own, just the two of them, and as far away from the motel as they could possibly get. Something about their memories being too bad if they stuck around here. I gave them most of my stash of cash so they’d be able to make a real go of it. Seemed like they needed it more than I did. And I live in a dump because it helped keep me off the Council’s radar. This apartment and my car are all I have now. There. Are you happy?”

I was a lot of things, but at the moment, happy wasn’t one of them.

Life was too short to overthink every little thing, and sometimes snap decisions had to be made.

I stared him dead in the eye and promised, “If you fuck her over or fuck her up in any way at all, I’ll slit your fucking throat.” I meant every single word.

I feared my time when I was imprisoned by the Council had changed me in all the worst possible ways and there’d never be any going back. There was a time in my life where I would have been sick to my stomach just at the thought of harming someone. Now I knew I’d carry through on my threat, and I wouldn’t think twice about it.

“I’d never hurt her. She’s a female witch.”

I laughed. I had heard that line before.

“That makes her everything, and I don’t have to know her to know that. Maybe I should be the one to tell you that it’s your throat that’s going to get slit if you’re not careful with her.”

Well hello there, you crazy little fucker.

I very much wanted to believe him.

I pulled a key off my key ring and tossed it to him. He caught it out of the air and clenched his fist around it.

“What’s this?”

“You’re moving in with me. You have today to pack up your shit, and if you’re not at my place by dinner, then I’m going to have to hunt your ass down. You don’t want that, and don’t bother bringing any of your disgusting furniture. I don’t want the disease-ridden shit in my house.”

He knew how to get there.

I got the fuck out of that dump before he could think about arguing with me.

I called my boy from the car, because I now had a dilemma on my hands to deal with. Only my living room and my bedroom at the cottage were furnished as of yet. The spare room and the dining room were both barren and empty. I’d let Dash pick out the table for the kitchen, but I’d had no reason to fill up the other two rooms.

One thing the fire had done for me was give me the opportunity to have the fresh start that I’d so desperately craved and needed. If there’d been no fire, then I simply would have moved in and lived surrounded by all of my boys’ things.

I had never gotten the chance to live on my own or to really enjoy my life. I’d gone from being with my family to being controlled by the Council and then being owned by Dash’s mother and disgusting grandmother.

I shuddered just thinking about them.