He was shirtless, and I was currently plastered against his very hard and muscular chest. His arms were banded around my back so tightly they were what kept me from moving.

My thigh was tossed over his with my leg wedged in between his. My arms were tucked up tight to his sides, and my dark hair was splayed out all over his chest.

Rain’s messy hair was spread all over my pillow. His lips were parted slightly, and his face was relaxed in a way I had never seen it before.

He was always gorgeous and sexy in that way dangerous men are. Like you wanted to go for it just for the thrill of the ride, but you eventually had to get off the ride before you got hurt. I had no intentions of ever getting off this ride, just saying. But in sleep? Rain was simply an incredibly handsome man.

My heart sank with the thought of why he would be in my bed again. I didn’t remember having another nightmare last night, but then again, after getting home from my date with Finn, I got stoned out on the back patio and then immediately put myself to bed afterwards.

I didn’t always remember dreaming. Sometimes I just woke up with a chill in my bones and I knew the nightmares had a hold of me for the most part of the night.

But this morning there was no chill in my bones. There was nothing but warmth and an extreme feeling of safety.

A girl could really get used to this, which was a terrifying thought, because with Rain, there was no telling when he’d come to his senses and take it all away from me.

Someone pounded on the front door, and I tensed. No one ever showed up here without calling ahead first just to make sure Rain would be home. The man liked to keep himself busy and was always on the go doing something, and the only visitor I had was Finn.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Rain grumbled as he carefully untangled himself from me and slipped out from beneath me. I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleeping.

“I’ll get it!” Baxter shouted from somewhere in the house.

Rain groaned as he left my room, leaving the door open behind him. What would we have said to Baxter if he’d found us like that in my bed? How would we have explained ourselves to him?

I heard the deep rumble of male voices as they came down the hallway toward my bedroom. Shit, Rain was coming back here, and he wasn’t alone. I couldn’t exactly pretend to sleep in front of company, that would be rude, but why would he bring them back here?

I sat up in a rush and swept my hair back over my shoulders and out of my face. After a quick assessment that my pj’s were still in place and covering up all the important bits, I plucked an elastic hair tie off of the nightstand. I was doing my hair up into a quick messy bun on top of my head when Rain walked in.

He eyed me shrewdly. “You’ve got company.”

Who, me? I must have heard that wrong.

Finn strolled in behind Rain and didn’t hesitate for one second to elbow the older man out of his path so he could get to me. He rushed to my side of the bed and held out a Styrofoam cup that gave off the delicious aroma of my best friend—coffee.

I took it from him with a quiet thanks and set it down on the nightstand. Coffee was important, yeah, but so was figuring out what the heck he was doing here. Priorities and all that grown up shit.

“Why haven’t you been answering your phone? I’ve been trying to reach you since last night.”

I looked at the nightstand I had just placed my coffee upon. The little circular pad that charged my phone was empty. Shit, I must have left my phone in my bag, and it must have run out of juice.

“It’s in my bag. So sorry, Finn. Has something happened? Is Romero okay?”

“What the hell does Romero have to do with Finn?” Rain asked as he crossed his arms over his bare chest. “I feel like you two are keeping secrets from me, and I don’t like it one bit.”

I did not want a lecture from him this morning. “Finn moved in with Romero. Now will you please shut up so he can answer my questions and tell us what’s going on?”

“He what?”

He wasn’t usually this grumpy in the morning. Had he not gotten a good night’s sleep in my bed with me? I slept great.

Ignoring him, Finn sat down on the bed beside me and reached for my hand. He looked nervous and almost ill.

His words burst out of him in a jumbled mess. “Last night when I got home, Ariel, Quinton, and Dash were over. When they found out I lived there, they got mad and said some not so nice things about the two of us to Romero. Though, it was mostly about me. Romero got upset with them, Quinton warned me to stay away from Rain, and then I guess they went home. It’s what happened after, though, that’s going to really piss you off. Whatever you do, you can’t be mad at him. It’s my fault, really.”

I heard what he said, but I felt like my brain had started to short-circuit when he’d said Ariel had said bad things about me. I didn’t care what Quinton or Dash had to say about me, but Ariel? Yeah, I cared a whole lot about what she had to say about me. I guessed if this was anything to go by, I cared too much.

I dropped Finn’s hand after squeezing it. I climbed out of the bed and moved toward the chair in the corner where I’d left my purse beside my shopping bag after I’d gotten home last night. I dug my phone out of my purse, and sure enough, it was dead. I carried it over to the nightstand and dropped it onto the charging pad.

As I climbed back onto the bed in front of Finn, I realized that Rain was suspiciously quiet. I peeked at him out of the corner of my eye. He stood still, almost frozen. His face was pinched into an unhappy frown as he stared down at the ground. It was obvious to me that he did not like what he was hearing. That made two of us, jackass.