Oh, for fuck’s sake. This pity party was not happening in my fucking house. We were both going to end up depressed and spiraling out of control.

I jerked his head forward and pressed my lips to his. He let out a startled gasp, and I slipped my tongue between his slightly parted lips.

Sliding my hand around to the front of his throat, I gripped him tightly and ran the pad of my thumb along the sharp angle of his jawline. I let out a rumble that sounded a lot like a happy purr.

He grabbed the front of my shirt as our tongues battled for dominance. He won, pushing his tongue into my mouth, and I sucked on it, making him moan loudly. The sound went straight down to my balls and my cock jerked to life.

He pushed on my chest, breaking the kiss, and I sucked in a much needed gulp of air.

“Fuck no. What are you doing?” Finn choked out in a voice that shook. He pushed on my chest, and I finally released my grip on his throat. “Why would youdothat? I’ve been working so hard on trying to get Isobel to fall for me, I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that.”

I licked my bottom lip, chasing after the taste of him. “Don’t worry, Finn. Isobel’s not going to be upset about this. If anything, she’ll probably be thrilled. She wants us all to be a coven so badly, and the closer we all are to each other, the deeper our bonds will be, making it hard for anything to tear us apart. She knows I want both her and Rain, and she’s never once voiced any concerns about it even though she’s in love with him and just coming around to there being something between her and me. She’d be a hypocrite if she had a problem with me kissing you, and she’s never that.”

I shrugged, hoping like hell I hadn’t just lied to him. I hadn’t planned on kissing Finn, it had been a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing, but now that I knew what that sweet mouth of his tasted like, I wanted to kiss him all over again.

“I don’t know, Romero. I think I need to call her and let her know. I won’t feel okay with it happening until I tell her about it. There’s already so much about me that she doesn’t know, and I don’t want to be keeping secrets from her on purpose.”

I laughed, wishing to be a fly on the wall for that conversation, because my girl could be a certifiable fucking crazy person at times, and I just knew in my heart that she was going to love this shit and eat it up.

“Seriously though, Romero, you can’t kiss me again. I get what you’re saying with you and Rain and Isobel, and I’m more than alright with that, but I’m kind of a one person at a time sort of man, and right now Isobel is my one person.”

I eyed him curiously. I knew he liked that kiss. He’d been a willing participant and his tongue hadn’t told me lies. Maybe it would just take some time to wear him down, and he’d come around. That was what I’d been doing with Rain, and I thought things were finally starting to turn around on that front, so there was definitely hope for Finn yet.

Then again, if he never came around, it would suck for me, but at least Isobel would be happy. A couple of days ago, that would have been all it took to make things right in my world since my son was already so happy. Since I’d released the selfish part of me, though, I wanted it all and I wouldn’t be entirely happy until I got it.

I stood up and walked toward the door, ready to leave him alone to make his phone call and his confession. I stopped in the doorway and looked back at him over my shoulder.

His posture wasn’t anything like what it had been when I’d barged in here on him. He no longer looked defeated, and was instead sitting up with eyes that shined brightly and a bemused smile on his lips. This was much better than sad and defeated.

“Finn,” I murmured in a gentle voice. His head snapped in my direction, and his spine straightened. “Don’t you worry about Quinton. He’ll come around, you’ll see. I’ll make sure of it.”

I’d do exactly that. I knew just the way too.

My daughter-in-law owned that man’s ass. If I could convince her to give Finn another chance, they’d all go along with it.

I closed the door behind me on my way out as I plotted my next move.

There’d be no more bad-mouthing IsobelorFinn in my home. I wouldn’t allow it.


Kissing Other People


So warm.

I was surrounded by warmth.

I couldn’t trust it. This couldn’t be reality when I always woke up so cold I felt like I was on the verge of freezing to death. I was always so fucking cold.

I tried to move but found myself stuck in place with something heavy wrapped around me. Panic threatened to overwhelm me as my eyes snapped open. What sort of new horrors would I be forced to endure now?

I was in my bed, of that much I was certain. It was everything else that didn’t make a lick of sense to me.

I’d gone to bed alone, but I certainly wasn’t waking up that way.

Rain was in my bed with me. Again. I’d think I was dreaming if I was capable of having anything other than horrific nightmares.