Now I was just ready.

I hoped he saw that in my green eyes as I stared into his own pale, light blue orbs.

He was my salt twin with his pale blue eyes and white-blond hair that was less blond than it was white. His brother, Abel, was my pepper twin. He had black hair with vibrant green eyes that were far more mesmerizing than my own dull green eyes.

They were both tall and built wide but stacked with muscles. They were also a package deal, and I loved them both fiercely.

My hair was lifted off my shoulders and pulled away from my neck. I looked over my shoulder and up into Abel’s green eyes. Like his twin, his own eyes were filled with an intoxicating heat that left me breathless and squeezing my thighs together.

Just one look from both of them, and my bathing suit bottoms were already getting damp.

Boy, was I glad Rain and the dads had gone inside momentarily, because I did not need them to witness this.

Turned on by a damn look.

For fuck’s sake.

Addison put the necklace on me while his twin held my hair up for him. When the necklace was secured in place, Abel dropped my hair and they both stepped back. They gravitated toward each other like magnets until they stood side by side, staring down at me in my seat. They both looked pleased, happy even.

“Beautiful,” Addison murmured.

“Perfection,” Abel added.

I blushed but refused to hide from them this time. I was ready. I wanted them to know. And hiding would make them think I wasn’t.

“Here,” Dash interrupted rudely as he pushed the twins aside. He held out two long, skinny, rectangular boxes, and I reluctantly took them from him. I didn’t like how aloof and disconnected from the whole thing he tried to be.

Yeah, he was really starting to get on my very last damn nerve, that was for sure.

I couldn’t tell him that in front of our family though. Some things needed to be handled in private, and this thing between the two of us was one of them.

I avoided eye contact with him as I opened the boxes. Each box contained a dainty cat collar that was blinged out. One was black and the other was white. The small round gold disks hanging off of them each had a name on them. One said Ash, and the other read Bone.

I wondered if the diamonds on them were real and assumed they were. None of my guys would give me the fake shit, even if it was for my cats. That was how fabulous they were.

I felt kind of bad because Binx didn’t have anything like it. In fact, I didn’t think Binx had a collar at all. I’d never seen him wear one. Binx did whatever the hell he wanted.

“Thank you, Dash,” I said as I smiled up at him sweetly. “I love them, they are beautiful.”

I meant every word.

He smiled at me softly, tipped his head down in acknowledgment, and looked away from me.

And now I was angry all over again.

“Hey, Dash,” I called out as I slipped my hands inside my cover-up. I palmed my breasts and pushed them up and together, giving myself insane cleavage. “Do you like my bathing suit?”

I felt kind of stupid.

Maybe I should have asked if he liked my tits instead.

His eyes dropped down to my breasts, and he visibly gulped before quickly looking away. “I think you look beautiful. You always do. You’re welcome for the gifts. I know they’ll look great on your girls.”

“Our girls,” Quinton snapped, making sure to stake his claim not only on me but our cats. He was so out of control it wasn’t even funny.

And so was I sitting here palming my breasts like a wanton, sex craved fool.

“I’m going to go check on my dad really quick,” Dash said as he practically ran away from the table and me.