I lowered my hands to my lap as I watched his back as he walked away from me. I guessed I’d been wrong about thinking he had to be nothing but nice to me on my birthday.

“What in the hell is going on with the two of you?” Tyson demanded like the nosy BFF that he was.

Secrets didn’t make friends, and I’d been keeping what was going down between Dash and me to myself. Though, all someone had to do was pay a little attention around here and it was glaringly obvious to see that something was off between us.

“She said something about a link earlier but wouldn’t say anything else,” Julian shared. He looked directly at Quinton, and I swear I saw him bat his eyelashes. “Do you know anything about that, Quint?”

Jesus, was this his attempt at trying to seduce Quinton into telling him what he wanted? If it had been anyone else, I’d be angry, but with Jules, I was far more amused than anything else.

I mean, really, wasn’t it enough that he was already sleeping with one of my boyfriends? What did he want now, two?

I loved Julian very much, but I wasn’t going to share Quinton Alexander with anyone ever. He was mine, and that was all there was to it. I’d fight anyone who tried to tell me differently.

Quinton rolled his eyes and leveled Jules with a bored look. “Of course I know they share a link, dumbass. Just who the fuck do you think I am? This is my coven, and I know everything that goes on between its members. It’s not a big deal that they share a bond. If you take the time to think about it, you’ll realize he’s the absolute perfect person to share that with her and her with him in return.”

My mouth dropped open in shock. I hadn’t known anyone else knew about my bond with Dash, and I hadn’t been ready to share it with anyone. I still felt too raw about it, and it was special, something I felt like we needed to cherish between the two of us.

Now I felt exposed and put on a pedestal for everyone to examine and pick apart. I didn’t like it, and it didn’t exactly feel fair to me. I never prodded into Julian’s relationship with Damien, and I knew I never would. If they shared some type of bond, I’d think it was great and I’d be more than happy for the both of them.

As much as I was annoyed at Jules right now, I was kind of in awe over Quinton’s words. I thought maybe he’d be jealous and angry when he found out. Not whatever this was.

Everyone gaped at Quinton as if they had no idea who the hell he was. It made me want to laugh. He always surprised me.

“Open the rest of your presents, baby,” Quinton commanded in an incredibly soft voice he only ever used with me. “After, we’ll choke down that monstrosity of a cake Damien made for you, and then I will help you keep everyone else busy while you run off to seduce Dash. Sex will make it all better for the two of you. I bet if you cry, he’ll cave so fast and give you whatever you want. You should try it and let me know how it goes.”

He kissed me on the cheek and handed me another present.

Everyone continued to gape at him as if he’d lost his damn mind, but not a single one of them spoke a word in protest. Not that I could blame them, Quinton’s word was law. I mean, he was the head of our coven, after all.

I opened up gifts that were all incredible and thoughtful.

Damien bought me summer shoes—sandals, flip-flops, and the like—and earrings. He also got me a bunch of headbands and, hilariously enough, a cookbook that focused on baking that he told me he wanted us to work our way through together.

Julian got me books on plants and potions. He also gave me a bunch of silver bangles that were covered in runes and spells meant for health and positivity.

Tyson gave me candles with crystals in the wax. They were lovely and smelled divine. He also gave me a gold bracelet with a heart-shaped locket, along with several other charms hanging off of it. Inside the locket on one side was a picture of Ty and me together. On the other side was a picture of all the guys together. He also got me several pairs of fuzzy socks.

Quinton gave me what he called an antique mood ring. When I touched someone, it would change color to whatever mood they were feeling at the moment. He promised to go over the moods and their colors with me later. I also counted his tattoo as the sweetest gift ever.

I got several other things, and the guys had to help me carry them up to my bedroom because there was so much stuff.

Rain, Marcus, and Romero showed up in time to be forced to eat cake with the rest of us.

The cake didn’t exactly taste bad, but it didn’t taste normal either. Not even all that frosting could mask the taste of something being off.

Damien had a rare gift in the kitchen, I had to give him that. He could make almost anyone sick just from eating a bite of his food.

He had mad skills.

Pool floats were unearthed, and everyone acted like this was a pool party. I was just happy that they all seemed happy and occupied enough for me to slip away and escape them.

Thankfully I didn’t have to spend any time on the toilet, but my stomach did cramp up a little bit. Then again, I only ate half of my piece of cake.

Marcus Cole had eaten two pieces.

Lord help him. Then again, there was something off about him, and the way he was looking at me kind of freaked me out, so maybe he had it coming.

I went back to my room and locked myself inside with my two baby kittens and a mound of birthday gifts.