Thankfully when I’d gotten home yesterday, I’d got dressed in my pajamas and had removed all the makeup I hadn’t cried off earlier. I still needed a shower, because I always did in order to start my day off right, but I was presentable enough in my skimpy tank top and short sleep shorts to walk around the house.

I didn’t know why I cared, they’d all seen the goods I had on offer, and they’d all played with them far more than once, or even twice. I thought it was the possibility of either Rain or Marcus being here that made me want to be fully dressed at all times.

For reasons I wasn’t interested in looking into, I didn’t feel the same way when it came to Trenton and Simon.

My feelings toward them scared the shit out of me. I really needed to talk to someone else about this, but I knew my best option was Quinton, and I had been putting that off for obvious reasons. And now certainly wasn’t the time for me to bring it up with me wanting to kill him and all that.

I didn’t know if they could feel my bad energy and were smart enough to not want any part of it, but they were all wise enough to stay hidden in their bedrooms while I stormed through the house. Fucking cowards, the whole lot of them.

I burst into Quinton’s room without knocking just like Tyson usually did. I did it knowing it would piss him off. It was petty and exactly why I did it. It was not a good way to start things off, but I was too angry to care. I could go back to working on being an adult again tomorrow.

The room was empty, and Quinton and my cats were nowhere to be seen.


I slammed the door shut in frustration and went on the hunt for them. He was probably hiding from me on purpose because he knew his bedroom would be the first place I’d look for him.

I hadn’t seen him or anyone else when I’d gotten home yesterday. Not even Trenton or Simon had popped out of their rooms to see me. I figured after my epic meltdown yesterday, they were all probably terrified of me. I honestly couldn’t blame them because I’d lost my damn mind and was slightly embarrassed about my behavior. Not enough to apologize for it, but whatever.

I found him in the front living/sitting room that was rarely ever used. The furniture in here was kind of uptight and fancy and there was no television. I never really understood the reason for the room until I found out the furniture had once belonged to Quinton’s mother.

He had loved her very much, and whenever he talked about her, he did it with a heavy dose of sadness that broke my heart. He was the only one who ever really used this room. He didn’t care much for television and preferred to read one of his many books instead, and he usually did that in here or in his office where everyone was smart enough to leave him the hell alone.

Everyone who wasn’t me. I never gave a shit about giving him his space because that was how he acted toward me. I figured I’d give him space when he gave me space, and since he never did, I assumed he liked it.

He was sprawled out on his back on the loveseat with his book open and face down on his chest. His eyes were closed, and his mouth was slightly parted. He was snoring softly, and there were dark smudges underneath his eyes.

I immediately lost the rage burning within me. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days, and I knew the stress he always carried around on his shoulders. I’d made it worse for him with this bullshit I’d brought down on all of us with the Council. It was clearly taking its toll on him, and my freak-out yesterday couldn’t have made it any better for him.

There were cat toys scattered all over the floor, and in the center of the room sat a multi-level cat tree. There were stairs at the bottom, and it had a hammock. The thing was intense. I had never seen it before, but I knew the man sleeping on the dainty little couch was responsible for it.

At the rate he was going, he was going to find himself in the poor house because he couldn’t stop buying shit for my cats. They were spoiled, and it was getting out of control.

I couldn’t even imagine the levels he’d sink to if we had children. The thought alone was terrifying and sent a shiver of revulsion down my spine.

Ash was perched at the very top of the tree. My poor baby was wearing what appeared to be a white turtleneck. She watched me without blinking, but I thought maybe she was judging me for my treatment of Daddy Quinton. Bone was curled up in the hammock, sleeping like a precious baby. Her turtleneck was black. They were matching but in different colors. Quinton was completely ridiculous.

I couldn’t wake him up to yell at him now. Even the damn cats would judge me for it.

What the fuck was that about? Whatever happened to loyalty?

I left the three of them in Quinton’s sitting room and wandered to the kitchen. I was frustrated by the fact that everyone was still hiding and no one had made coffee yet.

Okay, so admittedly I might have been just a little spoiled too.

Dash usually made coffee every day and a fresh cup was typically waiting for me on my nightstand every morning. Well, not today.

It was total bullshit.

As much as I wanted to slam around in the kitchen to get my frustrations out, I was as quiet as I possibly could be. Those dark smudges under Quinton’s eyes were going to haunt me until they went away, and I didn’t want to wake him up.

I cleaned the kitchen and put the dishes in the sink into the dishwasher while I waited for the coffee to brew. Usually the boys were better about cleaning up after themselves, but I didn’t mind doing it on occasion. Most of the time Dash refused to allow me to do any cleaning in our apartment, so I never minded doing it when I was down here.

Dash made a damn fine housewife, but sometimes I liked to be able to help out too.

I poured myself a cup of coffee in a giant mug that said “Boo, bitch!” and had a bunch of sad-looking ghosts on it. Dash’s cup collection and love for all things orange and Halloween was adorable. Not everyone else thought so.

I took my coffee out the backdoor. Normally I would sit at the little table on the deck, but after my big blowout with Quinton, I didn’t want to sit there today. I thought it would further sour my mood.