“Rain, I can’t take this from you. If it means that much to you, and I know it does because I can hear it in your voice, you should keep it and be driving it yourself. I know you don’t like seeing me drive the Rover, and I think I get it now. If it means that much to you, I have no problems going and getting my own vehicle for myself and returning the Rover to Marcus. Or you can keep it since I know how much you seem to be attached to it.”

Rain had hardcore jealousy issues, and it was a wonder Marcus’s dead body hadn’t been found dismembered in the woods yet. Maybe someday soon. Never say never.

He glared at me, and if he’d been anyone else, I might have taken several steps back just to put space between the two of us. Since it was Rain, and I knew he’d never ever hurt me, I stood my ground. By some miracle, I refrained from glaring right back at him.

“Don’t argue with me, little girl,” he growled in a voice full of gravel. “You’re taking the car and that’s all there is to it. I stopped driving her a long time ago but could never bear to get rid of her because I had always planned on keeping her in pristine condition for you. You aren’t a normal girl, baby. You’re my daughter, and you were born to be incredible. Everything you do just proves it, and you don’t need to be driving around in some boring ass Range Rover. It doesn’t suit you in the slightest.”

I didn’t think my Rover was boring in the slightest, but it actually seemed a lot more reasonable of a car than this one.

When I didn’t say anything, Rain took my silence as agreement. “Great. Glad that’s settled, baby girl. You take the ‘Vette home, and I’ll follow behind you with your things from the house. Normally I would encourage you to take her out and get a feel for what she can do on the open road, but I can’t give you that right now. Once we put the Council fucks in the ground, then you can go cruisin’, just not today.”

I’d heard enough about the Council today and wanted to avoid another conversation about those “fucks” like the plague.

And joy riding really wasn’t my thing. Maybe I should take it up, live a little on the wild side for once. The guys were going to shit their pants when they got a load of this car. Marcus was probably going to cry, but that wasn’t my problem.

Rain left me there as I stared down at my new car and wondered if I’d ever have control over my own life one day, or if the men in it were just going to boss me around for the rest of my days.

The car far from sucked, so right now I guessed I really couldn’t complain.

And the dress didn’t suck either.

I got in the car and fired her up. She purred to life immediately, and I ran my hand lovingly across the steering wheel in a caress.

The inside of the car was spotless. The leather seats were red with black stitching. I expected to find a cassette player on the dash, but was happy to find the stereo system had been updated at some point. Likely recently and for my benefit.

I messed around with it until I figured out how to sync my phone to it and pulled up my music app. “Desperado” by Love Shayla played over the speakers, and I cranked the volume up to deafening levels. It was one of those songs that I could listen to on repeat over and over again, but would probably get sick of it in about two months’ time and then not be able to listen to it again for at least a solid three years.

The garage door in front of me slid open, rolling up smoothly, and I didn’t hesitate. I shifted gears and flew out of the garage and down the driveway. The power when I pressed down on the gas pedal sent a happy little shiver through me, and for the first time today, a genuinely happy smile spread across my face. My smile was so huge it actually hurt my face.

I waited at the end of the driveway until I saw Rain pull up behind me in the Rover. He pointed to the right, and I was glad for it because I might have been looking out my window on the way here, but I had no freaking clue where I was going or how to get home.

I quickly pulled up Maps on my phone and punched in the address for home. Once I had that locked down, I didn’t hesitate to floor it out of there. Rain knew where to go, so I wasn’t worried about leaving him behind.

I didn’t listen to a single thing he’d said to me about not being able to open my new girl up on the road today and see what she could do.

I rolled the windows down and let the wind blow my hair around while I flew down the highway with my music blasting as I weaved between cars with Rain in the Rover in my rearview mirror the entire time. He had no problem keeping up with me, not that I was surprised. I thought he got off on speeding and doing things he wasn’t supposed to do.

He clearly knew what the hell he was talking about, because it took me less than ten minutes behind the wheel for all of my troubles to melt away and to finally feel light again. I was no longer bogged down with bullshit, heartache, and rage.

I knew Rain would make it all better. Even if it was just a band-aid, it was better than where I’d been earlier, ready to murder a boyfriend or two. Maybe even three.

Those motherfuckers had it coming.

They were lucky my dad was the coolest dad ever and had a way of calming me down, or when I pulled into the driveway, I might have been set to burn that motherfucking house to the ground.


Iwoke up in a terrible mood and in a bed all by myself. Yes, it was my bed, but I wasn’t used to sleeping in it all by my lonesome.

You’d think I would enjoy the time spent by myself, but I absolutely did not. Not even my damn cats were in bed with me, and those babies were little cuddle monsters. They were usually curled up together or sleeping on my body somewhere while wearing Quinton’s ridiculous clothing he’d put them in for the day.

I bet that asshole Quinton had stolen my cats while I’d been sleeping.

That pissed me off and had me practically jumping out of bed with a small growl on my lips.

That complete and total control freak asshole did not get to come into my bedroom, my personal space in this monstrosity of a house that he’d forced me to live in, and take my goddamn cats like he had any right to them.

Yes, he’d bought them for me and then tried to claim them for himself. He’d still given them to me anyway because he was a sucker like that. I didn’t do take backs, though, and as much as I loved him, I would fight him to the death over my babies if I had to.