I didn’t think Quinton would love me like he did now, and that would be a fucking tragedy of epic proportions.

“I think Quinton being all that he is, he understood this about me, even when I had no clue myself. It’s just a small part of why he makes such a great leader of our coven. Whatever the reason, he knew I needed you, and you, well, you needed me too. Your cottage was the perfect place for me to call home and you became... someone I could trust and love. Which is something I also needed that I had no clue I desperately required in my life.”

All of that was the truth and a whole lot easier to say than I had ever thought it would be.

It was much harder to admit that Dash might have been the first one of them I had thought I loved, and it wasn’t something I would ever speak out loud. Too many feelings would get hurt for too many people.

I knew most people probably thought it had been Quinton for me, or maybe even Tyson. They’d be wrong. Tyson had filled the role of my best friend when I’d never been fortunate enough to have one before meeting him.

Quinton had been someone I found sexy as hell and intimidating, and he’d scared the ever loving shit right out of me the first time I’d heard words come out of his stupid mouth. It had most certainly not been love at first sight on my behalf where Uncle Quinton was concerned. Though, I was fairly certain the opposite could be said from his perspective.

In the beginning, I hadn’t really given Julian or Damien much of a chance. And my salt and pepper twins were glorious right from day one, but I didn’t take either one of them seriously for a good, long while.

But Dash?

He’d been different right from the start. I had overheard him being an absolute dick about women in general and specifically where I was concerned. He’d been a manwhore and was proud of it, and he had wanted nothing to do with me.

But then Uncle Quint had shown up on Dash’s doorstep with me in tow, and the beautiful ginger had been nothing but good to me ever since, treating me like I was made of gold and precious diamonds.

Hell, he’d even been stabbed because of me and my stalker—and Quinton!—but he’d never once blamed me for it or held me responsible. I didn’t know if he blamed Quinton or not, he’d never said anything. It would be easy to blame Quinton, and if I’d been stabbed, I might have blamed him myself. I’d only had my face sliced open though.

Dash always just took care of me, no questions asked, with absolutely zero hesitation to be seen on his part.

All the women in his life, including his own damn mother and grandmother, had worked really hard to destroy him. The fact that he’d let me in the way he did still amazed me.

I loved him, and I would never, ever let him go. No matter what.

“I know I got all that with you, from you... but I feel like it was Quinton who gave that to both of us. He knew just how much we needed each other to feel complete. And I do need you, Dash. I’ll always need you. And you need me too. Which is why what you did was stupid bullshit, and I’m not going to put up with that kind of crap from you anymore. Mostly because I can’t stand to watch you hurt yourself. Don’t try to make me.”

He was getting me all worked up again, and he needed to fuck the aggression right out of me or there was a good chance I was going to punch him right in the throat if he so much as looked at me funny.

“I hear you, sweetheart. I swear I do. And I swear I’m going to do better in the future, that much I can promise you.”

I’d take that. Just so long as he tried, that was more than enough for me.

I couldn’t ask for him to be perfect, and I wouldn’t because that shit wasn’t possible. I just wanted him to try not to hurt both of us. He was used to hurting, we both were, but our life with our coven was supposed to be better for us than what we’d had before. That was all I wanted.

I pushed on his chest, rolling him over onto his back. His eyes widened as I straddled his hips and climbed on top of him.

“I’m not done with you.” I smirked down at him. “We’ve got a lot of time to make up for, and this greedy pussy of mine has missed you.”

“Hell yes,” he muttered as my lips brushed hungrily against his.

He made me do all the work, which was okay because that just meant that next time it’d be his turn, and my man had no problem working up a sweat while giving me what I wanted and needed.

I hid in Dash’s room with him for the rest of the day, not caring in the slightest that it was my birthday and my whole family was there to celebrate with me.

It was my birthday, and I did what made me happy. Not a single one of them complained. They all just gave me my space to be where I needed to be.


The bell over the door jingled, and I looked up in time to see a pretty purple-haired woman walk through the door with a young, pink-haired child behind her, holding the hand of a giant burly man with silver hair. Two more beasts of men came in behind them.

The woman looked friendly enough, if a little sad, but the men looked like straight-up killers. And they all gave off a vibe that screamed dangerous.

They weren’t human.

But they weren’t witches either.