“Fuck me, sweet girl,” he ground out. “I’ve missed you. Missedthis.Missed your goddamn pussy.Fuck.”

He lunged forward and grabbed hold of my thighs. I cried out in surprise as he dragged me down the bed until my legs hung over and my feet touched the carpet. His hands slid around to the backs of my thighs and up. He cupped my ass and lifted my hips off the bed.

He lined his cock up with my entrance and thrust inside, sheathing his entire cock inside me in one go. I pressed my thighs up to his hips and crossed my legs around his ass, wrapping him up tight while he drove his cock in and out of me.

He leaned over me and lowered his mouth to my breast. His teeth scraped against my nipple as he sucked it into his mouth.


I whimpered happily as I ran my shaking fingers through his wild red hair and latched on, pulling at his hair. My back arched up off the bed as I held him tightly against me.

Dash let go of my ass, but it stayed lifted off the mattress because I had my legs wrapped around him so tightly I was going absolutely nowhere.

His hands smoothed over my hips and up my sides. His knees went into the bed and pressed up against my hips as his arms slipped beneath me.

He let my breast go and kissed his way up my chest, over my collarbone, and up my throat as he wrapped me in his arms and picked me up off the bed so our chests were pressed tightly together. His one hand slid up the back of my neck, and his fingers weaved through strands of my hair.

He tilted my head down and his lips captured mine in a hungry, desperate kiss. It was wet and hot. I ground myself against him as our tongues battled for dominance, my clit rubbing against him deliciously.

My teeth sunk into his bottom lip as my pussy spasmed around him, and I came with a rush. His eyes flew open, and he pulled back slightly so he could look me in the eye. His were full of so much love and possessiveness, my entire body lit up for him as I trembled with my release.

“God damn,” he groaned. “You’re so fucking beautiful I can hardly even believe you’re really mine. I love you so damn much, Ariel.”

I loved him too, but it felt like my brain had fried and I couldn’t get my mouth to form the words to say it back to him. I just hoped he could read it as easily in my eyes as I could in his.

He leaned in and kissed my temple sweetly and pressed his cheek to the side of my head as his body shuddered and he groaned out his orgasm.

His side of the link reached out toward me, and I felt all the love he had for me. The incredible bond that we shared between the two of us enveloped me completely. His feelings for me were overwhelmingly sweet and immediately brought tears to my eyes.

“Dash.” I choked out, my throat clogged with raw emotions as tears spilled out of my eyes and raced down my cheeks.

I hated crying, it usually made me feel weak, but right now, I felt like these were happy tears. Tears of goddamn joy at finally connecting with Dash once again and being allowed to bask in his love and all that was him.

But still...

“I hope you know I’m never doing that with you again,” I whispered, my voice thick thanks to my tears and out of control emotions.

“Sweetheart,” he murmured, his voice shaking with humor, “you just came so hard on my dick your entire body isstillshaking. I can promise you that when you get the chance to jump back on my dick again so you can take it for a ride, you are not going to pass it up. You love it too much.”

And now that warm, happy buzz that had me crying started to evaporate and the urge to smack him had taken over. He damn well knew that was not what I’d been talking about.

“Dash,” I said in warning. I knew he was just joking, but I didn’t find anything he’d said to be amusing in the slightest. This wasn’t something to be joking around about. He’d really hurt me, and in doing so, he’d really hurt himself, and that made it even worse. Hurting each other was a vicious cycle I didn’t want us to fall into. It needed to be curbed before it could possibly get any worse.

“Sorry, beautiful. I couldn’t help but joke with you. I feel lighter than I have in a really long time and wasn’t quite ready to take things back to heavy just yet. I’ll stop making jokes though because I know it’s not funny. I know I was wrong, and I know it hurt us both. I want to promise you that it’ll never happen again, but our lives together are hopefully going to be long, so there’s no telling what could happen or what trials we’re going to be forced to go through. I don’t ever want to lie to you. So I’m cracking jokes and trying to keep the mood light. I apologize.”

That was more like it. And I didn’t even mind that he didn’t want to make me promises for his future behavior. I appreciated his honesty, because if he had tried to fill my head with lies and bullshit, I would have resented him for it.

I smoothed the palms of my hands up over his horribly scarred back and was relieved when he didn’t flinch away from my touch. I think Quinton and myself, and probably now Romero, were the only people he allowed to touch his scars without him shifting away.

I was grateful. If he were to ever flinch away from my touch, it would rip my heart clean out of my chest and run it through a garbage disposal.

“I can’t lose you,” I whispered honestly. “Just going through this with you has tested me beyond what I knew my limits could handle. Especially where you’re concerned. You and I have an intense connection, we’ve been through a lot together.”

I sucked in a large, shaky breath and paused as I tried to get the riot of my thoughts in order. They were a jumbled mess inside my head that was hard to make sense of.

“I never wanted to move in here in the first place, you know?” I shared. I figured this was something most of the guys were well aware of, but I’d never been so openly honest about it before.

“I thought that it’d be the ultimate loss of my independence. Not that I really had a whole lot of good going for me before I met you guys, but still... I never relied on anyone but myself, and I had never wanted to. But Quinton had been so damn bossy. So controlling. So intense. Just fucking straight-up overwhelming at times. If I had moved in here in the beginning, right after Vivian died, I don’t think I’d be the same Ariel I am today. I don’t think I would have been strong enough to have infiltrated the Council to find your dad. I don’t think...”