Julian was the only person who laughed at Quinton. He was braver than the rest of them.

Normally this behavior from Quinton would have set me off, but I wasn’t letting him push my buttons today. He might get off on our fights, but it drove me freaking nuts.

Not today, sucker.

He grumbled unintelligibly under his breath when he didn’t get a response from me. He could be so childish at times that it was downright ridiculous.

However, I was glad the bed had been handed off to some other poor fool. They should have offered the stupid thing to Finn, but then again, he could be living behind a dumpster as far as we knew, the sneaky prick.

That was it, no more thinking about Finn. He was putting me in a bad mood.

Tonight was no night for bad moods. Good vibes only in my tent from here on out. Maybe the guys could help me come up with a spell that would make it so that no one else who wasn’t us would be able to enter the space. Now why hadn’t I thought of that earlier? It was brilliant.

Damien approached me as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt. My pretty boy, always putting on a show for me. I’d never get tired of it.

I watched him with a hungry stare that he probably got from most women just walking past him on the freaking street. I could get jealous just thinking about it, but I knew there was no point to it. He had eyes for me, he had eyes for Julian, and that was it. I didn’t even think he knew other people existed unless he was looking down on them.

Damn, but I loved him a whole lot.

I cocked an eyebrow at him in challenge. “Are we playing this game again, Dame? I know you think I always end up being the loser, but it never really feels much like losing to me because I always end up getting exactly what I want out of it.”

And wasn’t that the honest to goodness truth?

The look he leveled on me was so hot it sent heat straight to my core, and I actually felt myself get wet.

Julian wrapped his arm around Damien’s middle, placing his hand on our man’s hip beneath his open shirt. “I’d love to know the types of games the two of you get up to together.” He sent me a look that rivaled Damien’s. “I imagine it’s the kind where you end up getting fucked. Those are the only kinds of games he likes to play.”

What other kinds were there? I frowned at him. I didn’t want to play any other kinds of games with them. Mine always ended up with me getting orgasms.

They both laughed heartily at me, and I relaxed, knowing my orgasms weren’t going anywhere anytime soon, if ever.

They looked so happy together, so carefree and in love, whether it be with me or with each other. I couldn’t stop the words from pouring out of me. “You two should have your own ceremony, and you guys so totally ought to get legally married too. Tie yourselves together in as many ways as possible. Nothing would make me happier for both of you.”

I meant every single word. As committed to me as Damien was, Julian was the same. He was my dark horse. I never knew what he was thinking or what he’d do next, but I did know without a doubt that he loved me, he loved Damien, and Quinton was his very best friend.

I wanted everyone that I loved to be just as happy as I was. I didn’t think I could get much happier, but if anything could do it for me, that’d be it.

They both stared at me, blinking rapidly. I felt bad because they were no longer smiling. Outside of blinking, they almost seemed frozen.

What had I done wrong? I swore I never wanted to do anything to hurt them.

My heart seized and threatened to crack in several places. This was horrible.

Someone wrapped their arms around me, and I was pulled back into a firm chest. The arms were entirely covered in adorable freckles, and I knew I was in the arms of my loving ginger. As tense as I was, I still leaned back into his heat and silent support.

“Quit being dicks, guys,” one of my salt and pepper twins growled darkly in a rare display of what sounded like pure rage.

No, I silently screamed. Not today. They weren’t allowed to fight with each other today. It was against the rules, my rules.

I could write a goddamn handbook.

Ariel Kimber’s rulebook for men—how not to give your lady a headache.

Or something like that. Though, I was fairly certain that if it came with a dick, then it most likely came with a headache attached more often than not too.

I had seven of those suckers and two more who were currently waitlisted.

But now wasn’t the time to be thinking of them either. They had no business in the tent with us on this night. This night didn’t belong to my bodyguards. As uncomfortable as it made me, I knew they’d eventually get their own nights with me in the future. This just wasn’t one of them. Just thinking about them tonight made me feel incredibly disloyal to these men I had just vowed to give my love to for the rest of my life.