Funny thing was though, not a single one of the men in this room would ever think me disloyal for my thoughts on my bodyguards. In fact, I thought they were all very much ready for me to get my head out of my ass when it came to them and stop trying to run from my feelings. If I was being absolutely honest, we’d all be incredibly relieved when I decided to be open and honest about my feelings toward the brothers.

“Seriously, listen to my twin,” the other twin snapped menacingly. “You’re both freaking our woman right the fuck out, and we’re going to have to kick your asses if you don’t fix this and do it like right the fuck now.”

Ah, now I could tell the difference without having to see them to know who was speaking. The first one to speak had been Abel, the second had been Addison.

I almost patted myself in victory because I was finally learning how to tell their voices apart, and the key to it was their personalities.

I didn’t think I had realized before then that my salt and pepper twins always came to my defense no matter what. Jesus, but they were both made just for me.

They made me feel a little bit better, but they still didn’t take away my fear in the slightest.

“Oh, slugger, no,” Julian said hurriedly as he reached for me. Damien didn’t look mad that Julian let him go. Oh no, he reached for me as well.

Julian cupped my cheeks with his rough hands. Damien pressed himself into Julian’s side as he leaned around him. He slid his hand around my side and pressed his palm into the small of my back. He applied pressure, and I was forced to fall forward. Dash let me go immediately. I landed against Julian’s chest, and Damien didn’t hesitate to wrap his arm around my back and pull me in as close to Julian as I could get.

“We love you more than anything, you crazy beautiful girl,” Damien whispered as he shoved his face into my neck. He kissed his way up my throat and along my jaw, tasting my skin with his tongue along the way.

I shivered deliciously as my nipples pebbled to hard points, and I reached up to wrap my arms around Julian’s neck.

Fuck. I didn’t care what we were talking about anymore. I was ready to get my happily ever after on, naked style.

“He’s right, sweetheart,” Julian agreed as he pressed his lips into the opposite side of my neck. “We don’t need some kind of ceremony between the two of us. It’s never been something we’ve wanted because we always wanted it with the girl of our dreams. We were prepared to give each other up if that was what she wanted, but we got you, and you love us just as we are. You’ve never once even questioned us being together. You embrace us for who we are, flaws and all. Christ, Ariel, we both love you so damn much. You’re the most beautiful person we’ve ever met, and it means everything to us that you’ve never asked us to be anything or anyone that we aren’t. You’re absolutely, without a doubt, perfect for us. Just perfect in general.”

I wasn’t perfect, I was far from it actually, but I did believe I was right for them and they were made for me. I also didn’t want them to change for me, ever. They took me as I was and loved me despite my flaws and my faults. That was what love was all about, and I was here for it, here for every single second I could get with them, every ounce of love I could possibly soak up from them like some kind of emotional sponge.

“Tell me you love me,” I murmured huskily before pressing my lips to Julian’s in a fast, hard kiss.

“Always,” Damien whispered as he kissed his way up my throat and gently nipped my earlobe.

I shivered again, and my nipples were so tight and hard they were almost painful. They begged to be touched, pinched, and sucked on.

My panties were wet and sticking to my sex. I should have skipped them altogether, but I didn’t want to accidentally leave a wet spot on my beautiful dress that might potentially stain, even though I had zero plans of ever wearing the thing again.

A wicked idea struck me, and an evil grin took over my face. I shifted to the side, not entirely out of their reach, but gave myself enough space to maneuver my arms and shift the skirt of my dress up around my hips.

“Hold this,” I asked both Damien and Julian when I had my skirt up to mid-thigh. I was sure they thought I’d lost my mind, but I felt emboldened by my new status with them and didn’t care if they thought I was a little crazy.

We’d been together a while now, so if they didn’t already know that my quirks could be, well,quirky,then they ought to find themselves a new life partner who wanted to be collared and leashed. That sure as shit wasn’t me.

They each grabbed hold of my dress and thankfully didn’t ask me any questions. I so totally loved them, both of them.

I slipped my hands under my raised skirt, hooked my thumbs in my panties at each hip, and dragged them down my thighs. When they got to my knees, I let go. They fell down to around my ankles, and I carefully stepped out of them.

I tapped both my boys on their hands, and they let go without hesitation, allowing my skirt to fall down my legs. I crouched between them and pinched the corner of the front of my panties, avoiding the wet spot, and picked them up.

I stood back up and sought out Quinton with my eyes. I held up my panties as if they were newfound treasure and something to be desired. From the heat flaring to life in his eyes, I knew I’d hit my mark.

“For your collection,” I said in a voice full of lust. Then I threw my panties right at him.

He stood there frozen in shock as my panties sailed through the air and smacked him in the face. He jerkily reached out and caught them before they could fall to the floor.

“You’re welcome,husband.”

His eyelids lowered to half-mast, and I swear I saw a scarily possessive look in them beforehand. It caused more wetness to dampen my sex.

What could I say? I was a total sucker for Quinton Alexander’s inner psycho. I couldn’t wait for him to fuck me and call me wife with his dick buried inside me right up to his balls.

Disturbingly, he raised my panties to his nose and inhaled deeply. My core clenched, and I could hardly believe my reaction to his crude gesture.