I wasn’t surprised at his response. Quinton had told me before that the guys would want to be where I was. But did they have to come over so early?

“I’m here to go through your letters and photos with Uncle Quint,” Tyson said. “Julian told us about them and that you want to find your father. We’re here to get the ball rolling on that. And the best way to start is to go through what you already have. The twins followed us over. They don’t like to be alone, as you know. Damien picked up Julian and they went to the mall to buy clothes for you because apparently you have an empty closet to fill. Be thankful you didn’t have to go with them. Damien goes into beast mode just thinking about walking into the mall.”

I took a sip of my coffee and winced. I loved that he and Quinton had come over to help me and I was thankful for Julian having done that for me like he said he would. I certainly didn’t mind the twins tagging along so long as they stopped laughing at me. But I absolutely did not want Damien picking out clothes for me. I didn’t want him spending the money when I didn’t need new clothes. And if he’d picked out the clothes I found at the Alexander house then they likely wouldn’t fit me or be my style.

Tyson caught the wince and grinned at me. He knew exactly why I winced.

“Don’t worry,” he said. “That’s why Julian went along with him.”

“I don’t need clothes,” I told him honestly.

“Everyone needs clothes,” he shot back smugly.

“You’re right,” I agreed. “Unless they want to walk around naked, everyone needs clothes to wear. Thankfully, I already have clothes so that isn’t a problem for me.”

“You can never have too many clothes,” Tyson said in a quiet voice. “And they want to do nice things for you. We all do. You should let them do it and you should be nice to them about it. Dash bought you the robe and I know he got you some of those socks that you seem to enjoy wearing. Did you tell him to take them back? Did you tell him you already have enough belongings and don’t need any more? It’s highly unlikely considering you’re wearing one of the things he got for you. I know you have an issue with not wanting to waste things and living off of the bare minimum. We all get that, we honestly do. But we also want you to have everything you want and need, and we want you to have nice things. We don’t want you to have to want for anything. So they’re off to buy you some shit from the mall. It’s not like they are going to come back with sapphires and rubies to force you to wear. Just clothes and probably some shoes. If it makes them feel good to do it, is it really so bad? I don’t think so. Just smile and say thank you. And if you like what they got for you then you should wear it. It’s as simple as that.”

I sighed in defeat, knowing he was right about all of it. But if they kept buying me nice things then I would feel like a charity case. The dreamcatcher I had accepted without argument and it had been a beautiful gift. The same with the robe. I’d protested the Rover because it had been too much. Mr. Cole hadn’t listened, and he’d insisted I take it.

I was used to having not a whole lot and taking good care of the things I did have in order to make them last longer.

Did I want to have a closet full of brand-new clothes? Yes, yes, I did. I was a girl. And who didn’t like clothes? But I wished he wouldn’t have told me about it until they’d shown up after their shopping spree. I didn’t want to stress about it and worry about them spending too much money on me. Or Damien wasting his money on things that wouldn’t fit me or I’d never wear them.

“Seriously, Ariel,” Tyson stressed. “It’s not a big deal. Let it go and don’t even think about it. Julian will keep Damien in check and it’ll all be good.”

“I need to get dressed,” I muttered unhappily. This morning had taken a bizarre turn, even for me.

“Where’s the box at with the letters?” Tyson asked.

I looked to the end of my bed and was confused. Where had it gone? I whirled around until I found it on the floor by the head of the bed. Julian must have moved it when he’d put me to bed. In fact, that hadn’t been all he’d done. The comforter on the bed had changed from yellow rose blooms to red. He’d changed the comforter before putting me to bed. Why would he do that? What else had he touched while he’d been alone and unsupervised in my bedroom? Nothing else looked to have been moved.

I pointed to where the box with the letters was on the floor and said, “Right there. Though, it was on my bed yesterday. Julian must have moved it before putting me to bed.”

I wanted someone else to know about Julian. I wanted to see if he’d think it was weird that Julian was moving my stuff around without my knowledge.

Tyson didn’t seem to think it was weird at all. If he did, he didn’t mention it.

“I’ll take the box down to the dining room table.” Abel told me. “That’s probably where you guys will end up going through it.”

“Thank you,” I murmured.

He smiled at me, but it didn’t reach his eyes. Something was bothering my Pepper twin. I didn’t like it.

I tilted my head to the side and studied him as he moved through my room.

Today, he had on a white long-sleeved thermal and black cargo pants with lots of pockets going down the side. He had a black cord around his neck with a silver pentagram dangling from it. His feet were bare.

Addison was dressed similarly to his twin. Black cargo pants with lots of pockets going down the side. His long-sleeved thermal was a light blue that matched his eyes. His necklace was identical to Abel’s and his feet were also bare.

Addison’s eyes were hard like his brother’s. He made no attempt to smile at me. He was upset about something as well.

“Is something wrong?” I asked in a hesitant voice as Abel retrieved the box from its place on the floor. He hefted it up in his arms easily and headed back towards the door.

“No,” Abel lied.

“It’s just been a while since we’ve been able to be around you,” Addison said in a deep voice.

Abel shot his brother a dirty look. He hadn’t wanted his Salt twin to tell me the truth. Why?