In truth, I missed them because it actually had been a while even though we’d practically been living together at the big house for the last week. We’d all sort of hidden away from each other in our rooms. Or, we’d tried to. Someone else had always been in mine with me.

As I examined him, I realized that it wasn’t hardness in his eyes but hurt. I didn’t like thinking it was my fault that hurt was there.

“Why don’t you guys stay over tonight?” I asked them. “We can watch movies or something.”

They perked up at that and both smiled at me. I got real smiles this time, one’s that reached their eyes and everything.

They both agreed enthusiastically before heading back downstairs.

Down to only the one now.

I looked to Tyson who was still sprawled out on my bed and not looking like he had any intention of going anywhere any time soon.

“Don’t mind me,” he said. “I’m going to hang out right here while you do your thing. If I fall asleep, please wake me up so I can head down with you.”

My brows furrowed in confusion. “Why would you fall asleep? It’s still morning. Didn’t you sleep last night?”

His dark eyes locked on mine. “No,” he said in a grave voice. “I did not sleep much last night. I kept dreaming about blood. Lots and lots of blood. Eventually, I gave up trying to sleep and found a book to read.”

A shiver raced down my spine. If he was anything like me, then his dreams meant something.

I didn’t want to know what dreaming about lots and lots of blood meant. I hoped none of us had to find out.

I looked up at the beautiful dreamcatcher hanging from the ceiling above where Tyson was now resting his head on my pillow and couldn’t help but wonder if I’d be having dreams filled with blood if I were to sleep without it.

I wasn’t willing to try.

Chapter Sixteen

I ignored Tyson and went about my business getting ready for the day.

I drained the coffee first and placed the empty mug on the dresser, hoping I wouldn’t forget it when I went downstairs. I didn’t need another bad habit like leaving dirty dishes around in my bedroom. Bad habits were hard to break and that was simply gross.

I dug clean clothes out of one of the boxes and I got dressed in the bathroom. The hamper in the bathroom closet had been emptied out and I felt bad about it because I’d added to the pile and was capable of doing my own laundry. If I wanted to wear clean clothes I’d always had to wash them myself. When I was younger I would have to wash my clothes by hand in the bathroom sink with whatever I’d had on hand at the time.

I didn’t like the thought of someone else taking care of me. It made me uncomfortable.

Tyson was sleeping when I walked back into my room. I tiptoed around so as not to wake him. I found my hair brush and a hair tie on my dresser. I brushed my hair and pulled it back in high pony tail on top of my head.

I dug out a pair of socks from the dresser and I was good to go. I had on red leggings and a black short-sleeved t-shirt. The t-shirt said Danzig across the chest in large mustard yellow lettering. The letters were cracked from wear and having been washed so many times. It was a size too big on me and it showed. My socks were black and matched my shirt. I didn’t need anything else and I wasn’t putting on makeup if I didn’t have to leave the house. If I went somewhere then maybe I would consider swiping some mascara on my lashes but otherwise I wasn’t going to bother.

Tyson’s lips had parted ever so slightly in sleep and I didn’t want to wake him. I know he’d told me to but I figured he needed his sleep more than he needed to be downstairs reading letters from Rain Kimber. I did know that sleeping under the dreamcatcher he’d fixed up for me would ensure that he didn’t wake up constantly because he was dreaming about lots and lots of blood. He’d sleep soundly underneath it.

I thought about covering him up with the blanket but didn’t want to jostle him and wake him up.

I left him in my bed sleeping and went downstairs to join the others.

They were already seated around the dining room table pouring over letters and photographs. I wasn’t entirely comfortable with them all reading the letters but if it helped me locate Rain then I would have to get over it. I wanted to find him more than I wanted to keep the letters and photographs to myself.

I found an unopened bottle of water in the fridge and grabbed myself a glazed donut. I picked up a napkin from the table and wrapped it around my donut so I didn’t get my hands all sticky.

Quinton sat at the head of the table. Abel sat to his right with Addison beside his brother.

I moved to the open seat on Quinton’s left. I placed the napkin and the donut on the table. I sat the water bottle beside it.

Before sitting down, I remembered the dirty mug sitting on my dresser and ran back up to get it.

Tyson had rolled to his side and pulled one of my sequin covered pillows to his chest. His arms were wrapped tightly around it and I felt myself softening a little bit at seeing it.