"No," I snapped. "She will be more comfortable in the bed. She might get a crick in her neck."
"Oh gods, that terrible hick slang has already invaded your head. Put. Her. In. The. Chair," he growled.
"No!" I pouted.
"Are you guys gonna hurt me?" A whimper came from my arms while Seraphina's green eyes poked through her lashes. "Because if you are," she paused while an open hand slapped me right across the face.
"Fuck!" I yelled, dropping her only to have Dimitri catch her on the floor. Seraphina screamed as she scooted away from us, raced to her living room side table drawer. Opening it, she fished through an empty drawer, not finding the gun she had typically placed there.
"We took it," Dimitri groaned as he sat up. "Didn't need you shooting us now."
"I know jujitsu!" Seraphina went into a crouch, ready to hit one of us. Right now, I wanted to laugh. How freaking adorable she was. This tiny thing wanted to take on two large Alphas. The fire in her eyes wasn't joking, but my smile only grew.
"What is so funny? I'll make you bleed!" Swinging her leg around, she got dangerously close to the goods as we cupped them and stood back.
"Hang on, Seraphina, we are not going to hurt you, especially like this," Dimitri said. He still had his hands cupping his junk, but I let it all hang out. Every bit of it. "In fact, why don't you go get us some pants, Dax," I hissed, not wanting to leave the room. I decided to give a show, flexing my muscles and wiggling my eyebrows at her as I sauntered out of the room.
Seraphina's eyes trailed after me with pure curiosity. Dimitri and I could still smell her fear, but not as noticeable as before. Then let out a breath and tried to explain. I kept my ears open as I looked for the right thing to wear.
"We are sorry, Seraphina. We just didn't know how to tell you without freaking out." Seraphina stood up and folded her arms over her chest. Even from this far away, they looked appetizing.
"You should have told me sooner; you have watched me, slept in my bed, and you have seen me… do things," she whispered. Dimitri laughed, only angering her more. I walked back in, wearing nothing but black boxer briefs; Dimitri rolled his eyes and put mine his quickly.
Feeling Seraphina's eyes on me made my body heat up, but I knew I shouldn't say a word. We had seen her completely naked several times, and she was getting her good looks in. It made me puff out my chest with pride. She thought we were good eye candy.
"You both should have told me sooner, like the first day!" She complained. "I've talked to you guys, spilled secrets, and I feel completely violated! You need to leave!" Seraphina's voice cracked as she held onto her body tightly. This was the first time I had seen her vulnerable. She puts up a wall, a wall where it is hard to climb over or destroy. She's had to learn the hard way for so many years, and she was starting to break in front of us.
Isn't that what we wanted? To wiggle into her heart so she wouldn't immediately kick us out? We were her pups, her babies, she called us. We didn't want to leave, and little did she know, we weren't going to.
"We aren't leaving," I growled out. I took a step forward, Dimitri putting a hand on my shoulder for comfort. "We are Werewolves, Seraphina. But there is something even more important than that you need to know." I glanced to Dimitri, hoping he would take charge. My fists would tense then relax, wanting to do nothing but hold her in my arms. I couldn't, not yet.
Dimitri's gentle squeeze urged me to say it. "Seraphina, you are what humans call our soul mate. You were made for us as we were to you." Seraphina's mouth opened, and she shook her head.
"It's true," Dimitri stepped forward. "We have looked for your all our lives, we have traveled far to find you, but only, in the end, you end up finding us. The Moon Goddess paired us with you, our perfect match. We want to shower you with affection and love and treat you like a queen."
Hearing Seraphina's heartbeat quickly, I prepared for her to faint again, but she held firm. Her arm caught her on the table behind her as one hand was lying on her chest. "What?" she whispered. "That, that doesn't make sense. Soul mates aren't real."
"They are," we both spoke at the same time. "Did you not feel the heat of our touch on your skin? Your body surrendered, your mind surrendered too, Seraphina," my hand reached out to cup her cheek. Sparks flew across her skin while she trembled, failing at pulling away from our touch. Words escaped her; her eyes darted from each of us as we let the information settle.
"So, are you really Thumper and Bambi?" Snickering, Dimitri nodded his head. "And you are Werewolves," we both nodded again. Seraphina was putting the pieces together, albeit a bit slow, but it was happening. "And I'm your soul mate?" We nodded for the third time as her body sunk down the wall, and she put her legs up to her body. Hugging herself, she rocked in the same spot a few minutes, muttering.
"This can't be happening. Is this real? Is this a dream? Did someone spike my drink?" Dimitri's hand reached out and touched her arm; looking up questioningly, Seraphina allowed it.
"Would it be better if I shifted? So, you can see again?" Seraphina gripped her legs tighter, whispering a yes.
Dimitri shifted, bones cracking and hair sprouting. Seraphina didn't look away; she stared in awe as little gasps left her soft lips. I pulled back another strand of her wild hair; she didn't move away, making me hopeful. Once complete, Dimitri trotted over and sat in front of her, toes to toes.
Seraphina's fingers ran through Dimitri's hair; he purred while closing his eyes. "Thumper?" It was barely audible, but I heard it. "Dax, you are Bambi?" I rubbed her knuckles with my thumb and gave a small smile. "Dimitri is Thumper?" Dimitri put his nose under her hand that laid on top of her knee.
What freaking rabbit hole did I fall down into?
My two pets, my wolves and my babies, are twin hotties who say that I am their mate. And they are Werewolves. Where do I even start with all of this?
My brain did the ultimate brain fart as I sat there on the floor. Petting Dimitri and wondering if Dax was getting jealous because his finger tapped lightly on the floor beside him. His boxer briefs were highly distracting. He was nothing but two hundred some pounds of muscle, and here I was stroking his brother.
"Do I need to pet you too?" I mumbled. I lifted my hand to pet his hand that had securely touched my knee, coping his brother who had his paw on the other. I could barely keep myself satisfied and happy; how was I going to keep two men happy? Was I really thinking about doing this? Being with two men was utterly taboo.