"What's wrong? You both act so guiltily?" They continued to ignore me and walk into the living room, hopping on the couch.

"Did you kill one of the neighbors' cats?" They both looked at each other. "Woah there," I pointed. Why the heck did they look at each other like that? I'm drunk, that's it. I'm imagining it all now with the alcohol and newly awakened body that had to be it. I paced the floor, dropping my dress, and my breasts hung out while the nipple pasties held on for dear life.

Both of them howled and turned around to face the back part of the couch. "What the hell?" I slapped my hands to my thighs as I put on a tank top lying on the decorative chair. Were they not afraid of the bathroom? Were they afraid of seeing me naked? They are wolves, surely not.

"Bambie, Thumper, raise your paw," I commanded. Both of them raised their paws at the same time.

"Shit! Can you understand me?!" Bambi and Thumper turned around and nodded their heads. My voice decided not to work anymore as choking sounds spilled. There is no way this is happening. "Too much to drink," I whispered. "Just too much! Cheap ass American wine..." I waved my hands and stomped off to go to bed until Bambi blocked my bath.

"What? I'm going to sleep; I'm dreaming!" I pushed Bambi away, only for Thumper to pull the back of my tank top. Thank God he didn't try to pull my boy's style underwear down, or he would have had a full moon. "Alright, alright," I walked back to the living room and sat on the couch.

A brief staring contest ensued. I would look at Thumper, who in turn would look at Bambi. I looked at Bambi, who looked at me, and Thumper looked at the both of us like we were nuts. Rubbing my eyes, smearing more of my makeup, not that it mattered anyway because I was living some crazy dream. I drank too much, and now I'm hungover in my bed dreaming all this.

"Alright, I got it... I'm guessing you got dipped in a giant nuclear active waste at a dump somewhere, and you can just understand humans and are aware that their naked bodies are a private thing," I spouted out. Shaking their heads, I leaned back on the couch, blowing out a breath.

I'm going to be admitted to the insane asylum.

"You guys are just super smart wolves from a training facility that injected mind-enhancing drugs to make man's best friend more in tune with their owners?" Both shook their heads again. Growling to myself, I crossed my arms and legs.

"I give up. Can you write or something because I suck at charades?" I threw my head back to laugh, thinking how ridiculous this all sounded until I heard cracking. Not cracking, popping noises, and brief grunts. My head laying back in the chair came forward, and my eyes before me caught a scene as frightening as any horror movie.

My two wolves were changing. Their legs and arms moved and cracked to odd positions; hair was being sucked in from their bodies. Their jaws shortened, and the only fur that was left was on top of their head and sparsely on their chest. Their backs were turned as I stared eye to eye at the most toned rumps I have ever seen.

"Uh, Seraphina?" One of them spoke. The one on the right, supposedly Thumper, turned around in all his naked glory. It was the guy from the damn freaking bar. Both hands cupped his jewels while I took a large gulp of my spit to force it down.

He looks like he would need two hands...

The muscles in his body willed him to turn completely around, and each sinew of his muscles contracted in their utter glory. The world around me began to fog, my vision became tunneled, and my ears went deaf as I stared up at his partly hairy chest.

Bambi comes into view; he's waving his hand in front of my face with his eyebrows lit in confusion. He wasn't cupping his meat. My heart begins to beat faster until I cannot reach the oxygen I desire.

My pets, my wolves, the animals that I have strutted around my house bare-ass naked with are the two gorgeous men at the bar. They've seen me in the tub, probably heard me fart, and oh my gosh, they probably smelled it.

Worst of all? They, they are some kind of supernatural...thing? Are they Warlocks? They can change into animals? What if they are really vampires, and they have played with my head all this time? They had no fangs; no, they didn't. I would have felt it on my neck. But boy, they did know how to suck on my neck.

Wait! Stop! Focus!

These things touched my body. My adopted wolves touched me in places that I desired for them to do it again! But wait! They aren't wolves! They are things! Some sort of things! My heart is felt in my head and no longer between my legs.

One last heave of oxygen and my vision goes spotted until I finally fall limp in the chair.

Chapter Fourteen


"That went well," I optimistically pranced to the other side of the chair. Seraphina's head had rolled to the side, her eyelids twitched while her body went relatively still. "Gods, she's beautiful when she's sleeping."

Dimitri threw his hands up and growled. "That did NOT go well. She passed out! Now she will think all of this is a dream."

"Why would she think that? We will be here when she wakes up, and one of us will shift again if she doesn't believe it," I pushed her hair behind her ear. "Besides, I think she passed out because she saw how big my dick was. She doesn't know how she is going to take..." I waved my hands around the lower region of my body. "This."

"We are identical twins; we have the sameā€¦ everything except your positively optimistic attitude right now." Dimitri rubbed his eyebrows with his thumb as he began to think. I just stared at my gorgeous mate. Little pants, her chest rising while she breathed, I wanted to reveal in it. Curl my head upright in between her breasts and fall asleep. Dimitri was spouting nonsense again as I picked her up with one arm under her legs and one behind her back.

"Where are you going?" Dimitri walked after me.

"To put our mate to bed, where she is comfortable." I was stopped mid-stride when Dimitri gripped my arm.

"While you are naked? If she woke up right now, she would think you were trying to do something to her! Just leave her in the chair."