"What happens if I wasn't a full werewolf?" Dimitri swallowed a bit of pancake.

"There are interspecies matings, like Faes to Wolves or Sirens to Dragons. They share their talents or DNA with each other. For instance, Queen Melina of the Faes was part human and Siren; when she mated with King's full-blooded Fae, she inherited part of his Fae genes. She can fly, but also breathe underwater. Osirus can breathe underwater as well."


"Yeah, it's really cool. Humans though, they are a blank slate. You would inherit all of our genes and basically be a full-blooded Wolf," Dax added.

"What about the children? Doesn't that throw in a massive genetic mess?" Little mixed babies are adorable, don't get me wrong, but after a while, there would be no Fae, Wolves, or the like left. It would be a giant melting pot.

"Ahhh," Dimitri raised his finger in the air. "Here is the beauty of being mates. Once mated, bonded, and a woman finally falls pregnant, the baby chooses in the womb what it will be so the genes don't mix. It picks the father or mother's original genes. Melina and Osirus have a mix of Fae and Siren children."

"That's amazing and so thought out. The goddess Selene decided this?"

"Yup," Dimitri popped his mouth. Taking a large gulp of orange juice, I watched his Adam apple bob. A bit of liquid left the corner of his mouth in slow motion; it dripped to the hollow at the base of his neck. It only made me want to straddle him and lick it off. Shaking my head, I regained my focus. I had to tell them a long-lost memory/dream last night.

"Can you imagine?" Dax butted in. "Osirus probably has some giant fish tank in his palace for his daughter Pandora? I heard she was born with a tale and everything. The Fae physician freaked out because he didn't know what to do with the first child, so he threw her in the washing bowl." Dimitri laughed out loud.

"You shouldn't say such things; Osirus would have your head," Dimitri chided. "At least he got one Fae, son out of the deal. Thicket is a beast to spar with, and he is still fairly young."

I stared in wonder. Talking about Faes giving birth to Sirens, well, I guess half siren half-Fae giving birth to full-blooded species was a bit weird. It defied all science I had learned; everything was different now. Anything that I knew before Werewolves were all but a cover-up.

"So there are no mixtures of races then? Races stay pure?" I asked.

Dax shook his head and pointed his fork at me. "There is one, maybe two." Dax swallowed. "Queen Taliyah of Vermillion was a hybrid, Vampire and Witch. It happened when Diana's mother fell pregnant. Supposedly that Coven Witch was the true mate of the former king when his chosen mate died.” Dimitri pondered his words until Dax butted in.

“Yeah, but the son of the former king, Darius, was enraged and killed them both and poor Taliyah had to live as a slave under her half-brother’s hand,” Dax shook his head.

Dimitri, completely enthralled with the story, turned my chin to plant a soft peck on my lips. "Taliyah and her mate, Prince Jasper, had one son who is now the ruler. They stepped down because no one liked Jasper's past or the fact Taliyah was a hybrid.” Dimitri kissed my lips again.

Dax pulled my chin back to listen to him. “Jasper tried to hook up with mom before he knew our dad was her mate. Basically, trying to force a bond, but dad kicked his ass. Putting him in his place.” Dax grinned wildly showing his fangs.

Dimitri growled and bent the fork in front of him. "The former king and queen of Vermillion now live in solitude because Taliyah and Jasper worked on their relationship, coming clean with some of the bitch-ass things he did. Taliyah wanted to live in peace and didn't want the throne unless Jasper was with her, ruling by her side. Their son, King Cassius, now rules since he has become of age.” Dimitri bent his fork back and set it on the table. “The Vermillion Kingdom is thriving with the help of his Advisor Sebastian and his mate Christine. They ruled as interim when Taliyah and Jasper stepped down after the Dark War. Boy, were they happy to hand the kingdom over to the mysterious Cassius."

Dax waved his hands around, making ghost noises.

"Why is he a mystery?" This story shit was getting good. I held on to Dimitri's hand tightly, giving him my full attention.

"Because he never comes out of the castle. Sebastian and Christine now run things by his orders. He stays locked up in his bed-chamber or office. Some say it is because he is a hybrid and won't give up the throne. Some say because he is ugly, no one really knows. Mom has tried to see him several times, she has calming abilities to help the tortured souls, but he won't even see her." Dimitri shook his head.

"That's so sad," I whined. "Poor thing is probably lonely."

"I'm lonely," Dax grunted, pushing his fork away. I shifted out of Dimitri's lap and sat on Dax's lap. Big baby.

"Is that better, Bambi?" I scratched under his chin. He scoffed while his nose buried into my neck. "You need to learn to share, Dimitri. You aren't being fair to your brother."

"I know," Dimitri moved closer, breathing in my hair. "Is hard," he playfully bit me. Pushing him away gently, I sat up straight.

"What happens if someone is half human and half…" my words were cut off with Tua putting hands on my shoulder.

"My baby is sleeping. Would you like to make that call?" Dimitri and Dax jumped up; I was instantly cradled in Dax' arms while they followed Tua. I guess I'll ask them later?

The clouds were overcast today as we were led out. The breeze was cooler, and my arms shivered in response. Zoey was sitting on the porch with her cousin, looking defeated. My heart ached for her. She lost her boyfriend, and on top of it, he was going to be killed for betraying a pack. I wiggled in Dax's arms, only for him to hold me tighter. "Zoey," I whispered, pointing to her. Dax shook his head.

"She is under house arrest." I gasped.

"But why!?" Dax shrugged his shoulders.

"Think about it; her boyfriend was plotting against the pack. She could have information on what Trey was doing." Dax's enormous strides put Zoey smaller and smaller in my line of vision. It wasn't fair; she had no clue. I know she didn't.