“Am I?”

“Yes, and he didn’t deserve you.”

“How do you know that?” I release the breath burning my lungs. “I could have been the evil bitch.” I truly wish I had been.

Taking a lock of my hair, he lifts the ends and allows it to float back down to my arms.

“I just know, and you’re not the evil bitch type. I’m not attracted to women like that.”

“What are you attracted to, Nick Bellotto?”

“You. I know a good thing when I see it. I’m no more deserving of you than your asshole ex, except unlike him, I’m selfish enough to take you for myself.”

Oh my God.

My brain numbs as if someone just placed it on a block of ice. There’s no mistake now in his intention judging by his words and the way he’s looking at me.

“Are…you?” Up until now, I thought I had a smooth flow going on—considering my nerves. Now that my brain has turned to glop and checked out on me, I’m floundering, and all I can feel is arousal.

“Yes. Does that scare you, Tennessee?”

Yes, it does. But I’ve been raised to never admit when you’re scared. “Should it?”

“No, I can tell you’re nervous. What makes you nervous about me?”

I think for a moment and try to even out my shallow breaths. “I don’t know what you’re thinking.”

“Let me make it easier for you and show you.”

Before I can think, he lowers his head and covers my lips with his. As our lips touch, it feels like someone threw fire on my skin, and he consumes me.

The sudden ignition parts my lips, and he sweeps his tongue into my mouth. I taste him, and suddenly I’m lost. I’m lost in madness. I’m lost in the escape I craved when I first saw him.

I’m lost in him.

He kisses me as if he’s trying to take everything from me. Like he’s hungry for me.

Shamelessly, I kiss him back with the same drive as if I’ve spent my life kissing him, and for the first time since my life turned inside out, I forget what happened to me.

Nick pulls out of the kiss, and I’m not ready for him to stop.

I shouldn’t feel like that. We just met.

Before embarrassment takes over and I look like the starved, desperate divorcee I am, he cups my face, and all I focus on is his fingers on my skin.

“Just so we’re clear and there’s no room for confusion, I’m going to fuck you.”

Fuck me?

My heart rate rises like a pressure cooker about to explode, and the tingle that was in my chest blasts all over my body.

The image of him fucking me fills my mind, and I can’t shake it from my head.

“That okay with you?” He adds with a wink.

