

He nods. “Let’s just say I’m a special kind of consultant. Back to you.”

“I assure you I’m not that interesting.”

“There’s no way I’m going to believe that.”

“You’re too kind.”

“You wouldn’t think so if you knew me.” That dangerous vibe returns, flickering within his eyes with a dark menace that ignites my wariness. However, it’s quickly extinguished by my curiosity to know what this man might find so interesting about me. “Don’t tell me there’s a Mr. Tennessee. If there is, I might have to fight him for you.”

When laughter falls from my lips, I’m shocked at myself. I’ve laughed with the girls, but that was me simply trying to put my best face forward. Just now was a glimmer of my old self.

The woman I haven’t been, if I’m honest, for years.

“There’s no Mr. Tennessee anymore,” I tell him.

“What happened to him?”

“He cheated on me with my best friend and got her pregnant.” That was probably too much to tell, but it sums up perfectly everything that happened and is still happening.

The glint in his eyes dulls, and there’s a tick in his jaw like he could be incensed to hear what happened to me. It’s a nice thought to imagine a guy like him feeling anything toward me. Like he would truly fight for me and fight my battles.

I had never believed that Kurt would be my enemy. But he became that the moment I caught him with Mary. I unloved him in those seconds that passed, and what I felt since was rage. Not toward him but myself.

On our wedding day, I had what I thought was cold feet. But it wasn’t that at all. The voice telling me I was going down the wrong path because I wasn’t in love with him was trying to warn me away. At the time, I was eighteen and pregnant and scared. We got married for the wrong reasons, and that’s why I felt rage.

I’m pulled from my sordid walk down memory lane when Nick inches closer and stops a breath away from my lips.

“Are they still together?”

“In some sort of way.”

I don’t know, and I don’t care. Kurt is a fucking asshole who’s made my life a living hell since the breakup because he wants me back, and there’s not a chance in hell I’ll be doing that.

Mary became the vindictive bitch who had the audacity to tell me the reason why Kurt went to her was because I couldn’t have children.

It’s amazing how people you trust turn ugly within minutes.

“Were you married to him?”


“How long?” He searches my eyes as if he’s trying to find something.

“Fourteen years. Too long, right?”

“You don’t look old enough to have been married for fourteen years.” He smirks and presses a finger to the edge of my jaw.

“How old do you think I am?” I feel like I’m at least a hundred.


I laugh again. “Sorry to disappoint you. I’m not some hot twenty-something-year-old. I’m thirty-one.”

“Then you’re a hot, extremely sexy thirty-one-year-old.”