Fucking hell.He didn’t want this kind of decision weighing on his conscience. Right now he didn’t want the guy breathing, but he wasn’t ordering anyone’s death.

“Evidence. He needs to lose all rights to his daughter at the very least, and I want him out of this city.”

“You’re a better man than me, Fletcher Dufort. I’d castrate the fucker,” Black said darkly.

Well, that was still a possibility.

“If he’s hurt her, I might just change my mind.” He rubbed his forehead. Right now, he had to assume the man loved his daughter and this entire game was just to fuck with Olivia.

But he’d crossed the line. Enormously.

Fletcher wanted the man out of their lives. Out of Sammy’s life. It wasn’t his call to make, but Olivia would be insane if she let her daughter near her dad again. Once they had her back—because theyweregetting her back—he was going to speak to Liv about the fear that was crippling her from making important decisions.

It would be an uncomfortable conversation, but as someone who wasn’t intimidated by the asshole, he could see how Simon had held her as an emotional prisoner for too long.

Olivia loved her daughter and wanted her to have a father, but there was a line. Simon was proving to be far too unstable for Sammy to be with.

Fletcher wanted them both safe.

End of story.

And that meant removing Simon from their lives.

“Trust me. If Mantle has hurt the child, he will never see his daughter or the Statue of Liberty ever again.”


The next twenty-fourhours were the longest of his life. Olivia paced the house, only sleeping for minutes at a time, and only when he forced her to lie down. He spent most of the time staring at his phone, waiting for it to ring.

Hunter, Daniel, and Harper had come over, offering support, and bringing food. Which still sat on the kitchen bench, getting cold.

No one could eat.

Harper’s friend, Addison, had arrived at one point, and he immediately liked her. It could have been all the cursing and hate she flung towards Simon, but mostly because she seemed like a loyal and caring friend.

Olivia had cried in her arms as the two embraced on the sofa.