For fuck’s sake.

“What school does she go to?” he asked and ignored the look the cops gave him as she answered.

“If you could let us do our job, please, Mr. Dufort? Now what is your ex-husband’s name?”

“Mantle. Simon Mantle.”

“Okay, let’s go through this again.” Blond Cop spoke, and Fletcher rolled his eyes.

Jesus fucking Christ. They could make another child faster than this.

“Excuse me a moment,” he said, and Olivia shot him a panicked look. He leaned down and kissed her. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Fletcher closed the door behind him and walked to the car.

“Everything all right boss?” Frederick asked.

“Sammy’s been taken,” he answered. “I need to make a confidential call. Excuse me.”

“Yes, sir,” Frederick answered, and the privacy screen slid into place.

It was better nobody overhear this. He pressed dial.

“Adrian Black,” a deep voice answered.

“Fletcher Dufort. I need your help.”


AN HOUR LATER, THEdetectives left.

He pulled Olivia into his arms, and she collapsed against his chest. “I feel so useless. Just staying here. Where the fuck is my little girl?”

“We’re going to get her back, Liv. I promise.” Fletcher lifted her face to his. “I’ve got a private investigative firm,”—or rather, a group of former marines, black ops dangerous mother fuckers, but details, details—“searching for her as well.”

“You do?” she gasped.

He nodded. “Fuck yes. Money may not buy happiness, sweetheart, but it could just get Sammy back.”

They sat down and went through everything she knew again, and then, when she finally fell into a fitful sleep in his arms, he rang Adrian Black again, relaying the further details.

“My team will get started on this immediately. We don’t have any tolerance for people that hurt kids. You have our full commitment on this.”

“Thank you. Let me know what I can do.”

“Pay the deposit. I just sent you the invoice,” Black said.

He let out a small laugh. “Yeah, no problem.”

“Your next question is going to be how long. I don’t know. But with the technology and the connections we have, I’m hoping to have Sammy Mantle back with her mother in forty-eight hours max.”

“You can’t promise that.” He wasn’t stupid.

“Unless she’s no longer breathing, I can,” Black said.


“How do you want us to deal with the father?”