Olivia introduced Harper to her friend, and the two women appeared to get along well, under the somber circumstances.

“Do you have any idea where he would have taken her?” Addison asked.

Olivia shook her head.

“What about Emma? Have you tried to call her?”

Everyone was asking the same questions, but just as they all did, her friend wanted to help and needed answers herself.

“God, I feel so bad. Sienna said Sammy wasn’t at school on Monday and I didn’t suspect a thing,” Addison said, shaking her head. “I should have.”

“Don’t. We couldn’t have known. Kids get sick. You know that.” Olivia wiped her eyes. “Fuck.”

Fletcher watched painfully as Olivia went to all the dark places, worrying. He hated she was going through this. He hated that Sammy might be scared, hurt, or worse.

It was the ‘worse’ part that had them all frozen in fear. It was unthinkable and yet they had to mentally prepare for it to be a reality. Fletcher was planning to bring it up with her tonight after everyone left. Sammy had been gone three days now, even though they’d only learned about the disappearance yesterday.

It was a long time for a lot of things to happen.

He had no idea how she would react, but it was his job to support her through this.

“Do you think he’d hurt her? Like really hurt her?” Olivia asked, her voice trembling.

Well, fuck. Looked like they were talking about it now.

She looked up at him, and like a magnet, he pulled her to him as she threw herself into his chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around her.

As he looked over her shoulder, he saw Daniel full of fury, just as he imaginedhemust look right now. A quick glance at Hunter and he spotted his brother’s clenched fists.

All three of them were protective men. Seeing someone hurt, knowing a child was in danger, was not fucking okay.

“Did you call Black?” Daniel asked under his breath.


“Good,” he said firmly. “Let me know what I can do. Money. Whatever.”

Fletcher shook his head and let out a short, dry laugh. “Stop offering me damn money. You know what my net worth is, dick.”

Hunter snorted.

Olivia lifted her face. “Money for what?”

“Getting your daughter back. The private detectives.” He shot Daniel a look that said leave it right there. His brother nodded in return.

Fletcher sat on the sofa and pulled Olivia to him, then glanced at Addison. She smiled at him and nodded.

Thank you, she mouthed, and he gave her a small smile.


“FUCK, I FEEL USELESS,” Hunter spat out an hour later, standing and pacing. “Isn’t there somewhere we could look? Or something?”

“Me too,” Addison said, nodding knowingly at Hunter.

They all felt the same way.

Sitting around doing nothing was the most infuriating and disempowering feeling. Staying home, where the phone could ring, or Sammy could return, was the best advice the detectives had given them, and Fletcher knew they were right.