After they had wandered around for a few hours, Sammy chasing butterflies and squirrels, he led them over to the area where families were painting.

“Are you artistic?” Olivia asked.

“Absolutely not, but I figured Sammy would like it. How hard can it be to paint a tree or vase?” He shrugged.

Hard, as it turned out.

When Sammy began talking to some of the other kids and the staff member set them up, Olivia leaned into him and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you. This is amazing.”

He cupped her face and kissed her lips, sharing an intense gaze with her before Sammy caught them.

Fletcher was well aware that was taking it too far for the little girl.

In the end, Sammy’s painting was about ten times better than their terrible efforts. They had spent much of it darting glances at each other and grinning like idiots, nodding when Sammy asked questions and pointed things out.

At the end of the day, they finished with the promised ice-creams and wandered back to the car.

Sammy fell asleep, her head on Olivia’s lap, on the way home.

Fletcher pulled Olivia against his shoulder and felt a sense of contentment he never knew he’d been missing. When he dropped them off, he stood by the car door waving as Olivia carried her sleepy daughter inside. He didn’t want to cross that line just yet by playing stepdad.

There would be time for that soon.

Tomorrow night he would have Olivia back in his arms, naked, and he’d be another step closer to gaining her trust.

If only he could fight the niggling feeling that kept running down his spine.

Something told him the guy hadn’t given up.

Instead, Fletcher got the sense that Simon was biding his time.


Olivia ran down thehall and burst into Fletcher’s office.

She knew he had an office full of people, including Daniel, and didn’t give a shit.