She didn’t care about anything right now except Sammy.

“Olivia?” Fletcher stood abruptly when he saw her and moved across the room to her.

“He’s taken her!” she cried. “He’s taken Sammy.”


“So, you dropped heroff at her father’s house on Sunday night?” the NYC detective asked for the third time.

“Yes! For God’s sakes. Now when are you going to look for her?” Olivia yelled.

Fletcher wanted to do the same thing. Instead, he was pacing.

“Who do I need to call?” he ground out. “The mayor? Who?”

One of the detectives gave him a look. “We know who you are, Mr. Dufort. You can call whoever you like but we still need to gather all the information from Ms. Miller before we send our teams out on what could be a wild goose chase.”

He knew that, but sitting here feeling like he was doing nothing while the calm police detectives casually asked questions was hell.

No one knew where Sammy was, and Olivia kept staring at him, shaking, with tears falling down her face. He’d promised to protect them, and now her daughter was missing.

He needed to do something. Punch something.

“So, she’s with her father?” The tall blond one asked.

“Yes, but he’s... he’s not...”

Fletcher knew this was a tough question to answer for Olivia. As far as officials knew, he was a world-class father.

Instead of a world-class asshole.

“She hasn’t been in school for two days. They phoned me because they hadn’t heard from her father, and I can’t get hold of him. He always calls me back.”

The detective wrote down the notes on his pad.

In the slowest handwriting in the universe.