He reaches out and cradles the side of my face, as if to comfort me. Just as I feel him flex a final time inside of my mouth, his whole body goes tense, a groan of pleasure escapes his lips, and his eyes close momentarily. I stare up at him, watching the blissful moment take place, wishing he always looked as peaceful as he does right now.

Hot salty liquid fills my mouth, and I instinctively swallow it. It doesn’t taste bad, but it’s not pleasant either. I release him from my mouth with a loud pop that echoes through the room. My cheeks flame red when I realize I’ve just made a man come for the first time.

“It seems you’ll live to see another day, Mouse.” His voice is cool, satisfied, and I realize that I’ve done that for him. I’ve given him pleasure. I’m so happy I almost smile. I proved myself to be useful even if it’s just with my body. Maybe I should be ashamed of what I just did but oddly, I am not. Even more absurd is the fact that I enjoyed pleasuring Xander.

Before I can make a move and get up on my own, he leans down and picks me up like a child, just to deposit me onto the bed. I blink very slowly, trying to comprehend what is taking place. He removes his button-up shirt and tosses it to the floor.

I grip onto the sheets when he slides into the bed beside me. He’s naked, and I have no panties on. The fact that I just gave him a blow job means nothing when I all but signed my virginity over to him. I tense slightly. I know it’s going to happen so I might as well let him do it.

“Sleep. That’s all we’re doing tonight. You’ve proven yourself useful for now, but tomorrow you’ll have to prove yourself again, and each day it will get harder and harder for me to see your worth to me. That is unless you’re exceptional at fucking.”

My chest constricts at his words, and when he tucks me into his side, I shiver. He pulls the rumpled comforter up and over us, and I feel the warmth of his body seep into every single bone in my body. For a moment, I think he must be playing a cruel joke on me. Letting me sleep in his bed with him, cuddling and keeping me warm and comfortable. It almost seems too good to be true, but he makes no move to make me think otherwise.

“Goodnight,” he whispers into the hollow of my neck. And for a moment, I think I must have heard him wrong. My eyes start to drift closed very slowly, and even though I know I shouldn’t… I feel safe, completely safe in this monster of a man’s arms.

He said he was going to hurt me, but then he didn’t. He said he was just like his dad, but he is nothing like him at all. He’s killed for me, guided me instead of taking from me, and if that’s not worthy of feeling safe then I’m not sure what is. Xander might think he’s a monster, but I just can’t see that that’s all he is.

I close my eyes and drift off immediately, cuddled up in this comfortable bed.

I don’t know how long I’m asleep but when I wake, I’m uncomfortably hot. Xander’s arm is still slung over me and the heavy comforter on top hardly lets any body heat escape. My throat is painfully dry. I just need to get some water.

I wiggle myself out of the bed, trying not to wake him up. It’s completely dark in the room now and I have to find my way to the bathroom by patting softly around. Sleep still makes my limbs heavy, and I can feel myself sway while walking.

When I finally get to the bathroom, I close the door very quietly behind me and flip on the light switch. The brightness instantly blinding me, I squeeze my eyes shut until they adjust.

I walk to the sink and dare to look in the mirror. Just like I expected, I look terrible. My cheek is an ugly blueish purple, my hair is an uncombed mess, my eyes are bloodshot, and my stupid wrists are painfully swollen now.

I turn on the cold water and splash some in my face before getting a drink straight from the faucet.

Why am I so hot?

Even the cold water didn’t cool me down. I’m still really… really hot. My whole body, even my eyeballs feel hot. Shaking my head, I turn off the water and turn back to the door when something occurs to me… I’m not tied up or locked in. I don’t think Xander’s locked the room behind us.