“I’ll be whatever you want me to be. Just please… don’t kill me. Let me go so I can try to find my sister.” I drop my gaze down to my hands in front of me. I feel weak begging, but what else is there to do? After all of this, I just wish to come out alive, and to eventually find my baby sister.

“Get on your knees,” he orders, and my eyes snap up to his instantly.

“Wh-what?” I stutter.

“Get. On. Your. Knees.” He enunciates every single word through his teeth, and I follow his directions, dropping to the floor. My knees land, and sweat starts to form on my hands. I’m terrified, and my stomach tightens with the unknown. Xander moves from the bed, coming to stand directly in front of me. His large frame is intimidating, and I have to stop myself from backpedaling.

He peers down at me, a smirk that would scare even the devil appearing on his lips. “You want to live, Mouse? Then you need to prove to me your worthiness. Give me a reason to keep you around for a bit.”

I gulp and nod in understanding as he reaches for the belt of his expensive suit. Panic stirs inside me, but I tamp it down, knowing it’s either this or death.

“Have you ever sucked a cock? Ever been choked by one?” He undoes his belt, flicking the button on his pants. I see a sliver of toned flesh as his pants hang low against his hips. I clench my thighs together at the feelings surging through me.

Lust. Desire. Two emotions I’ve never felt even once in my life.

I shake my head, my cheeks heating with embarrassment at his questions. Taking one of his large hands, he reaches for my face, tucking some still wet hair behind my ear. The simple touch is somehow comforting in all of this, and I have to fight the urge to lean into his hand.

“You really are an innocent little mouse.” His hand ghosts down my face until he reaches my chin. Holding it between his thumb and his index finger, he tilts my face upward.

“Open your mouth,” he orders, and I obey without hesitation. “No teeth, just your tongue, your lips, and your hands.” I try and nod but his grip on my chin is firm, reminding me has all the control now.

With his other hand, he unzips his zipper and his pants fall the floor. My eyes widen at the very large, very scary penis pointed directly at me.

“If you bite me, I will kill you. Now don’t act so frightened and get to sucking.”

I exhale sharply. Instead of forcing my head onto his cock like I thought he would, he lets go of my chin and waits for me to act.

I gulp down all the fear running rampant throughout my body and lean forward. Opening my mouth real wide, I stick out my tongue and take the tip of his penis into my mouth. It’s warm and much smoother than I thought it would be.

I close my lips around him and swirl my tongue, testing the feeling. I peek up at him, trying to gauge his reaction but his eyes are closed like he is concentrating really hard on not losing control. I try to move down, taking more of him inside of my mouth.

I take more, as far as I can until my gag reflex kicks in. I panic, realizing I still don’t have even half of him inside my mouth. Then I remember he said I can use my hands as well. While continuing to suck on the upper part of his penis, I wrap my small shaky hand around the base of his shaft and squeeze it gently.

For a moment, I wonder if I am doing this right? Xander hasn’t complained yet, nor has he moved, and his eyes remain shut, his body like a statue.

What if he isn’t enjoying it? What if this is my one chance to show him why he shouldn’t kill me?

Realizing just how true my fears might be, I stroke him up and down… synchronizing my hand with how I take him into my mouth. I make sure every inch of his cock gets pleasure and when I feel him flex inside my grip and an almost inaudible grunt escapes his lips, I assume I’m doing something right.

Knowing this makes me feel like I have all the power… which is ridiculous since I’m the one on my knees, pleasing him. But it gives me the ego boost I need to continue.

I tighten my grip just a little and pick up the pace. I feel him flex his hips again and taste a small amount of saltiness on my tongue. I continue sucking and stroking him, putting my all into every single suck and stroke. My jaw starts to ache, and my knees dig painfully into the floor, but I don’t care. I peek up at him again… and this time, I’m surprised to find his eyes are open.