
As soon as he leaves, I want him back. I’m not sure at what point I lost my mind because I should be dancing for joy that’s he’s gone and I’m unharmed because one look into those eyes and I know I’m in trouble. I’ve never met a man like him before. Hard, ruthless and dangerous, wrapped in a packaging that any woman would be happy to discard. I should be happy this isn’t what I feared. That I was to be used for a man’s pleasure, then murdered, or worse. Ordinarily this is a dream come true, an adventure of the most decadent kind.

I look around in shock and like a kid in a candy store, my eyes shine with greed. This place is a palace and he is the king. I am in no doubt about that because Lucas Emiliano oozes authority. He could have snapped his fingers and I would have done anything – I really mean that because men like that aren’t from this world – my world, anyway and yet one taste would ruin me forever. I’m not stupid enough to think any different, so perhaps it’s a good thing he’s intent on keeping his distance because that will take away any temptation to do the wrong thing – as I always seem to do.

Now I’m alone I’m keen to explore. A prison he says, well throw away the key and sentence me to life because I am in heaven in this room alone.

I have never seen somuch luxury and this room would fit my whole apartment and my neighbours either side. It’s like an apartment in itself because it appears to be made up of several interconnected rooms. Everything seems brand new, from the velvet covered chairs, to the art on the walls. The drapes are weighted silk and the floor feels good against my feet with its cream shagpile carpet.

I set about exploring a decadent paradise. From the floor to ceiling windows overlooking the resort hotel. The whole of Vegas lies like a magic carpet beneath my feet yet there is not a sound to be heard. Each room reveals another surprise and the best one of all is the bedroom because I could live in this room alone. The emperor sized bed is dressed with white bedding with not a crease in sight. The cushions stand to attention and the smell alone is divine. Floral scents mix with freshly washed linen and after the journey I’ve had it’s a place I plan on getting acquainted with real soon.

Before that a soak in the tub beckons and I open the door to bathroom Utopia and I do actually scream with delight when I see the huge roll top bath facing the window overlooking the skyline because you could have a party in this bathroom and invite several guests.

There appears to be everything I need, so I set about running a deep bath and make sure to use the array of products on offer. There are warm towels heating on the rail and a large robe folded on the table to the side. Nothing is more important to me right now than this bath and I don’t even care that I’m technically a prisoner. I know that should bother me, hell I should be looking for ways to escape because I’ve only got Lucas’s word that I’m safe. Well, he can do what he likes as long as I spend one night in heaven first because this is now officially the best day of my life.

I think I now hold the record for the longest time spent in a tub in history because it must be two hours later that I finally leave, wrapped in my robe and venture into the room. As I slip under the covers of the largest bed I’ve ever been inside, my eyes grow heavy. I need to sleep so badly and even though I haven’t eaten for several hours, it’s not as important as sleep, so it’s with a groan I drag myself out of it when I hear a tentative knock on the door, followed by movement outside in the living room.

My heart quickens when I imagine Lucas has returned and yet I’m surprised at the flash of disappointment I feel when I see a man setting out food on a table beside the window.

“Oh, um, hi.”

He straightens up and looks around with interest and his mischievous grin puts me at ease immediately.

“Well, hi, honey, just look at you all ready for bed already. This is Vegas baby; we sleep when we’re dead.”

Despite how strange this all is, I smile as he winks. “I’m Tom, as in Cruise but without the game, although god knows my plan is to marry that man one day and share every delicious bit of him, including his name.”

He laughs and I shake my head and giggle as he looks at me with interest.

“So, Lucas told me you’d be his guest for a few days. I must say I was surprised.”

“That’s two of us.”

“Well, whatever the reason, you don’t have to worry, honey, that man is rarely here, anyway, it’s more my home than his.”

“Oh, so you live here too.”

“I wish.”

He laughs. “No, I’m just the hired help; you know, chief slave but he pays well and keeps out of my way mainly, although god knows I’d do anything for that man if he asked and I mean anything, if you know what I mean, although sadly he prefers the female of the species.”

He holds out the chair with a flourish.

“Come and sit, princess and just look at the delicacies the chef has prepared. Lucas pinched him from the Ritz in London and I must say, despite the fact he’s so rude and obnoxious, he’s instantly forgiven when he serves up magic like this.”

I hastily head over because the smell alone is enough to have me groaning out loud and Tom fills a glass with water and says dutifully, “Do you have a wine preference?”

“Oh, um white would be lovely.”

“Any particular brand, we have them all?”

“Whatever you think.”

“Then allow me to corrupt you forever and serve up one of the most expensive on the menu.”

I feel a little worried because I may have to pay for that and he must notice it because he laughs softly. “While you’re here make sure you take everything on offer and I mean everything.” He winks. “Lucas treats his guests well and they have their pick of anything they want, all completely gratis, so make the most of it while you can.”

His enthusiasm settles any nerves I have because this must be above board and the fact he knows I’m here guarantees my safety, surely.