As he finishes up, he looks with satisfaction at the feast meticulously arranged in front of me and says quickly, “Ok, I should leave you in peace. I’ll be back to clear away and if you can think of anything you need, ask me and your wish will be my command.”
“Oh, don’t go, can’t you sit with me?” I’m not sure where that came from and he looks surprised. “Goodness, angel, of course I couldn’t. Whatever would Lucas say if he found us enjoying a cosy chat. No, despite my manner - I know, I really should have paid more attention at servant school - I would never overstep my position. Why do you ask?”
“I suppose I’m a little lonely and thought you could fill me in on how this place works, you know, tell me what I need to know and maybe a little about, um, Lucas.”
It feels wrong saying his name as if he’s a personal friend of mine and Tom shakes his head sadly. “Sorry, honey, I can’t tell you one word about my employer, it’s more than my job’s worth. I’m guessing you will just have to rely on google, it’s usually a good friend to me and tells me everything I want to know. My job is to serve you food, drink, fetch you whatever you want, but you can’t leave.”
The sympathy in his eyes makes me wonder what Lucas told him about me – this situation and the reason I’m here at all. Once again, I feel a little weird about this whole set up and despite the luxurious surroundings, feel a pang of longing for my small but completely safe apartment that I left three weeks ago. Then my thoughts turn to mom and Hannah and I know they must be worried that I returned safely. What if they called my phone, or left a message at my apartment? They will worry if I don’t reply, so I say quickly, “I don’t suppose you could arrange for me to call my mom? Let her know I returned safely.”
Tom looks worried. “I’ll see what I can do, honey, leave it with me. Anyway, I really should go, you know, things to do and people to, well, do actually.”
He laughs softly and this time as he turns to leave, I don’t stop him. Just the look in his eyes told me he knows I’m a prisoner here. I wonder what Lucas told him, does anybody else know? What if they think I’m one of his whores? Julia Roberts from Pretty Woman, secreted inside the Beverly Wilshire because Edward was paying her. Just thinking of the similarities in how it looks makes me burn with embarrassment. Maybe I’ll use this time to work out a plan because no man tells me what I can and can’t do and it’s time to make a stand – but not until after I’ve eaten this amazing food and spent the night in a suite of rooms fit for a queen.
Yes, he just caught me in a weak moment, so I need to build up my strength for the fight that lies ahead.