‘Thank you.’

Glancing up and down the aisle, she looked at Max. ‘Which wallpaper are we after?’

‘Let me see.’ Max scanned the aisle before pointing. ‘This one.’

‘That’s really nice.’ Brooke picked up a roll of the paper and rolled it around. Pale lilac birds flew amongst branches of blossom on a silvery background. The pattern wasn’t too dissimilar to the pale green wallpaper in her bedroom back at the bakery.

‘Elsie’s choice, not mine.’

‘Oh, yes, and what would your choice be?’

‘Being as I currently live in a rented house back home and every single wall is painted in stark magnolia, I’d have to say something like...’ He walked towards the other end of the aisle. ‘This.’

‘That?’ She looked at the roll of wallpaper in his hand and stifled a laugh. ‘I’d love to come and see your place when you’ve covered it in that psychedelic yellow, purple, and pink mix.’

‘Are you saying you don’t like it?’ The corner of his lips twitched.

Chapter Nine

‘You look nice, love. Are you off out again?’ Elsie looked up from the kitchen table, an array of paint sample cards surrounding her.

‘Yes, I’m going to Baywater Delights.’ Brooke repositioned the pendant on her necklace.

‘Oh, Daisy and Ollie’s restaurant. Daisy volunteered here last year and ended up staying. She and her new husband, Ollie, opened the restaurant in the new year. It’s a lovely place. Ian looked after Ollie and his sister when they were younger, so we go there a fair bit.’

‘Your partner, Ian?’

‘Yes, that’s right. You’ll have a great time, I’m sure.’

‘Thanks. I hope so.’ Brooke walked across to the table and picked up a card displaying every shade of green anyone could possibly conjure up, right from the palest green in a faint rainbow to the murkiest green of a pond covered with algae. ‘Are you any closer to deciding what colour to decorate in here?’

Elsie looked around the kitchen. ‘Not really, no. I quite fancy a bit of colour, maybe a bright mustard yellow on three of the walls and then a dark purple on the other. I like a splash of colour, which I’m sure you’d gathered by the bright wallpaper up the stairs and on the landing.’ Elsie chuckled. ‘I don’t know. I’ll probably end up going with plain white in the end.’

‘Why don’t you have the mustard and purple if that’s what you want?’

‘I don’t know. I might do. I’ll have a think. Max is going to paint the walls in the living and maybe even get a couple of strips of the wallpaper up tomorrow so and then he’s got the woodwork in here to do so I reckon I should have a good couple of days to make my mind up.’