Brooke nodded and glanced up at the clock. ‘I’d better get going.’

‘Okay, enjoy yourself and take care. Stick to the public places and any problem give Daisy or Ollie a shout; they’ll come up with some excuse or other to get you out of your date.’

‘Thanks. I will.’ Brooke checked her phone again for any other messages and made her way down the stairs and through the empty bakery. Tonight’s date was David, again from Trestow. From what she could remember, anyway. She’d almost backed out after last night’s disaster, but then she’d remembered what Diane had said about going on one last date before giving the whole dating game a break whilst she was down here. Yes, one last date and then she’d delete the app and enjoy her break away.

Closing the bakery door behind her, she looked out across the promenade towards the beach and the ocean. The moon was full, its reflection illuminating the gentle waves. It looked as though rain was threatening though, so it was probably a good job they’d arranged the date for the restaurant instead of a walk along the beach. Dark clouds were forming, the wind momentarily blowing them across the moon, plunging the beach into shadow.

She checked her phone. No more messages. Not in the last ten minutes, anyway. He’d messaged to double-check she was still going, but nothing since she’d reassured him. Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy. She needed to remember that. Whenever she messaged him, she kept thinking of him as Benjamin still. Not because she wanted to remember anything about last night’s date with money-fixated Benjamin, but because she rarely had two dates in a matter of two days, and definitely not with two different men.

This was make or break. After yesterday’s date, she clearly remembered why she’d given up on the dating game a few months back. Her patience for the rollercoaster of dating was waning. Had waned before she’d given up, before her gran had passed away, and it definitely hadn’t sparked again.

She shook her head. This one might be different. This date with Jeremy might just be the date to end her dating life, and her dependence on dating apps. Yes, she needed to go into it with a positive attitude. If she didn’t, she was setting it up for failure. She’d nitpick any little thing he did wrong, and she’d overthink the conversation. Yes, she needed to stay positive. She needed to believe that Jeremy might just be the one. And he might.

She pulled the door to Baywater Delights open and stepped inside. It looked busy. There was a group of diners waiting to be seated in front of her, a small pocket of people standing chatting at the bar, and the tables were full.

She scanned the dining area. Where was he?

‘Hi, Brooke. How’s everything going at the bakery?’

Brooke blinked and smiled as she recognised Daisy from the bakery dinner the other evening. ‘Hi, Daisy. It’s good, thanks. I’m really enjoying it.’

‘Great. Elsie’s so lovely, isn’t she?’

‘Yes, she really is. Everyone’s been so welcoming.’

‘Are you here for a table?’

‘I’m supposed to meeting someone, a guy. It’s a first date and I can’t actually see him, so maybe he’s stood me up.’ Brooke shrugged. It wouldn’t be the first time.

‘What’s his name and I’ll see if I can find him on here.’ Daisy tapped her pen against a clipboard in her hand.

‘Thanks. It’s Jeremy. Sorry, I’m not sure what his surname is. I didn’t think to ask.’ Why hadn’t she asked? Everyone knew you were supposed to find out as much about a potential date as possible and she hadn’t even asked his surname. She looked down at the floor, hoping the bright flash of heat dancing across her face would be lost in the cosy lighting of the restaurant ambience and the shadows from her hair falling over her face.

‘Here he is.’ Daisy ran her finger along the seating plan. ‘He’s just over there. I’ll take you to him.’

‘Okay, thanks.’ Brooke tucked her hair behind her ears and looked at Daisy. What must she think of her?

‘I remember only too clearly the joys of first dates, so give me a shout if you need anything or a get-out excuse, okay?’ Daisy laid her hand gently on Brooke’s arm as she led her to a group of tables positioned near the far end of the bar. ‘He looks nice, but you can never tell, can you?’

‘Thanks.’ Brooke mumbled as she walked with Daisy. She could see a table with one lone person sitting at it straight ahead of her. That must be him. His hair was lighter than in the photo on the app. Proper peroxide blonde. He must have dyed it recently.

‘Right, I’ll give you a couple of minutes and then come and get your order. He’s ordered a bottle of wine. Did you want anything else?’

‘No, that’s great. Thank you.’ Brooke paused before walking across to him.