Spinning me around in his arms, his lips captured mine again. I felt a pinprick of pain as his fang nicked my lip and a floral taste filled my mouth. His venom. Heat blossomed inside me, licking along every nerve ending from my head to the tip of my fins. It turns out I wasn’t immune to his venom, not that I’d want to be with how the electric need was thrumming through me.

My gums ached with the need to taste his blood, and other parts of my anatomy clenched with a need to feel him buried deep and move inside me. There was one thing holding me back—

“Bite me.” His voice was hoarse with his own need and something much deeper that only he and I understood at that moment. He turned his head to the side, giving me full access to his neck.

Tears sprang to my eyes, and I blinked them back, refusing to allow myself the show of weakness. He was submitting to my claim and asking for me to mark him first. While his pride didn’t allow him to say the actual words, his actions said them louder than any words. He was handing me the throne of Atlantis—he was giving me my home back and offering his heart.

Control? What control? I sank my fangs into his neck with the speed of a viper. He groaned, the sound of pleasure mixed with pain. Drawing in a delicious mouthful of his spicy warm blood, I moaned into his pale skin. It was so good. Each of my men tasted different, but this man tasted like the unpolluted sea, and it called to my heart.

I drank deeply, washing the blood around my mouth to savor every drop. His hands brushed along my skin and scales, exploring every inch of my body that he could reach with me latched onto his neck like a sexy suckerfish.

My hunger abated while other parts of my body begged for attention. His breath hitched, and the sound of his heart rate speeding up caught my attention. I pulled away to look up into his face and caught my breath. His pupils weren’t just dilated; they were blown. Black, predatory eyes stared back at me.

“My turn.” The two words were barely intelligible through the growl in his voice.

“Yes, please,” I blurted out, then wanted to fin-slap myself. The seawater must finally be getting to me because this Siren was thirsty.

One large hand sank into my dark hair, yanking my head to the side. My skin flushed, heat burning my skin even at the frigid temperatures of the surrounding ocean. His fangs pierced my skin with no hesitation. I barely felt the bite. What I felt was the sting of his venom as it leaked into my bloodstream. Even with the water flowing around me, I felt myself becoming even more slick with my need.

“What’s your name, merman?”

“Zeno.” He pulled his fangs free and licked at the two puncture wounds in a swirling, slow motion.

“Zeno?” I murmured his name.

“Hmm?” He sucked and licked his way up my neck.

“If you don’t stop, I am going to die before you have the chance to sheath yourself inside me,” I moaned as he sucked my earlobe into his mouth.

“As you wish, My Queen.” He was a man of his word. With a single smooth thrust, he buried himself to the hilt inside my channel. I cried out his name, clawing at his chest—whether to pull him closer or push him away, I wasn’t sure.

The base of his tail, near his ankle, moved to circle my ankle and pull me closer. His hands roamed my body, searching for those spots that were most sensitive. All the while, his lips sucked and teased my shoulder and neck before once again capturing my own lips in a long kiss.

I returned it with all the desire that was building in me and the fiery inferno that was being stirred up by his venom.

Moving away from the glass barrier, he let our bodies drift in the gentle ebb and flow of the surrounding sea. The current rocked our bodies, and Zeno timed his thrusts to the same rhythm. His strokes were slow and gentle at first but grew harder and faster within minutes.

The venom raced through our veins, and no matter how hard we fought to take our time, it was a losing battle. It was also the only battle I was fine with losing.

“Next time,” he panted. “I promise our next time will be different.”

“Now is not the time for speaking,” I ground out through gritted teeth as our hips moved together.

Uncurling his tail from around mine, he gave a pump of his massive fluke and sent us crashing back into the glass. This time my back pressed against the chilled surface. His fangs pierced the tender flesh of my shoulder.

“Gentle, man! Don’t break her!” I heard Kye’s muffled voice through the glass.

I had forgotten they were all there, watching. This time, with Zeno’s venom running through me, I didn’t care. If I were to be honest, I’d admit that it made the fire in me burn hotter and my temperature rise. I wanted this.

Lokene’s teasing voice filtered through the glass, “I just heard from my friend vacationing in Tartarus! He said it is freezing cold there today.” He must have read my mind earlier when I had first met the merman and hadn’t planned to let him mark me.

I’m going to murder you in your sleep tonight, I thought at him, not finding him nearly as amusing as he believed himself to be.

Who said anything about sleeping tonight?he responded with a wink before disappearing back into the shadows of the hallway.

With my body sandwiched between the barrier and Zeno’s hard, muscled form, I could do little more than gasp when I felt his erection touch my slit and then push deep inside me. He wasn’t overly thick, but he was longer than a human male. He moved faster, picking up speed with each hard thrust.

I could feel my belly grow heavy with need and my core growing tight as my pleasure drew nearer. I bit down on his chest, sinking my fangs in deep. The taste of his blood exploded in my mouth, and I nearly found my release on the spot.